Pauline D. Sherrer

125 West Ave.
Crossville, TN
(931) 484-5145





The Chronicle is a publication of Newspaper Holdings Inc.



The newer columns are listed first.


I Say

To know Martha is to love her

Couldn't they wait until my birthday?

Politics is in season, once again

Colorful journalist will be missed

Dear Santa, We need a high school

Are we approaching tax reform correctly?

Salute to military: Good idea to readers

Galveston knows mass destruction

It's not as easy as pushing a button

We will never be the same

Behold the power of duct tape

Psychic should have known better

GED a source of real pride

We will miss Helen Byrd

They missed four for ones

It's time for a World War II memorial

Our loss is fatherhood's gain

I'll be on the U.S. Resting Team

I found the job I really want

Will newspaper writing be fun again?

Feel optimistic about the future

Let the dead bury the dead

Class takes back seat at UT

Southern tradition gaining support

State government reeks of hypocrisy

What does the Orlando paper know?

Willis Cox had real town pride

There are things you should know ...

Black Friday was something to see

Despite loss, celebrate the gain

Wanna match for a Coke?

Would a high school PTA be a good idea?

I know how the Jets feel -- believe me!

We need a statesman, not a politician

Fall Summer Olympics? Why not?

Does the public have a right to know?

It was a Mayberry kind of night

By 2010, there will be very few

May baskets, police week and mom

Trees, buildings and other issues

A list of things that amaze me

Millionaire wants dumb and dumber

Don't use parks as a tax pawn

Should we kill them or throw away the key?


Therefore I Am

All good things must come to an end

I'm too tall to be scrappy

We get a snoot full of bad manners

It's not just the rain, it's the evaporation

This just in: We can't trust Saddam

The Dad killed my pool table

Here's a hot tip
for you


I'm not happy
with my taxes,
but I guess
you are

I give you the
96-ounce burger

Sex just isn't
that big a
priority with me

You don't want
Sir Elton on the
castle wall

RC cars top list
of annoying
e-mail ads

Who wears a
cap to bed?

I like creative
thinking, even
when it's

Blame the Turks
for that noose

The List is a
crucial toy filter

Ask Big Bird

Who gets hungry
at 4 a.m.?

Private Ryan
isn't ready for
prime time

Roll the dice
on a lottery?

Candy can last
longer after the
last doorbell
is rung

Minivans aren't

Bush isn't
working an
angle in Iraq

E-funeral send a
mixed message
at best

Why is ticket
scalping illegal
in some states?

No parental
solicitations --
it's just a policy

These watches
a little out of
my depth

Sept. 11 should
be a national
holiday -- maybe

Disney to a

Meeting those
guys was a
real Rush

Want to be a
Dad? Show up
at the hospital

The fur was
flying that night

Raising the bar
on "absurd"

Buried in the
back yard with a
scoop of vanilla

Ax incumbents
and bring on
Gene Gene

I'll take blindness
for $800, Alex

Nice guys finish
in seventh place,
not last

Chick flick or
manly movie?
You decide

Corn Chex
scores high
on the CRQ

Politicians act
as though they
want me to

Sucked in by the
Dwarf of Death

Can't say no?
Try using your

I'm going to the
bathroom for the
tomato paste

Clones already
have a leg up on
the Menace

Spider-Man toys
aren't for the

Why is Bob
Tucker sitting
on my trunk?

One year down, a lifetime to go

$400 a month for
In-N-Out? Yikes!

Bill's house
could really
use a moat

Want it fast? Then don't watch baseball

Brick -- now THERE'S a good name for a kid

What's a terrorist victim's life worth?

"On sale" gets a sniff every time

It's time we get back to normal

Step 1: eat burger; step 2: remove pants

Ski jumping? Now that takes guts

What happened to my memory?

Nothing wrong with "The Price Is Right"

Double-secret probation is lifted

Asteroid missed us by that much

Is THIS a sign of the times?

Osama might just be my exception

Anyone still happy with the BCS?

I'd love to be a poppycock draftsman

I had George Brett over for Thanksgiving

The world will survive Harry Potter

The panacea for slow white kids?

Combine sports page, financial news

In search of the chocolate houses

I respect uncles who take a shot

Fall is the best time of year by far

This is not the time for peace

Get the SUVs off Normandy beach

Have you sniffed her pants lately?

Do we want justice or revenge?

Maybe I'm not a real man

Do you have 1,000 hours to kill?

Sharks -- best odds in Vegas

I need to go back to high school

You can't get there from here

Just relax -- Aug. 15 is almost here

Less Smokies visitors? Great!

Anna? Who's this Anna?

I'll be dead, so what do I care?

Give Earnhardt video a rest already

Red Hot Chili Peppers in aisle 6

Magic happened without power

Even a muskrat learns eventually

Government refund? Hmmmm

I won't go away that easy

You got it, now cough it up

What on Earth are you going to do?

What DO I like? Plenty

Space is no place for a tourist

Rockin' to a different tune now

Ben is messing with my clock again

My advice: Be a moron alone

Does a baby need a Trapper Keeper?

There is no why in "senseless violence"

At least I didn't use the word "newfangled"

Cloning ensures interesting times

We Dummies appreciate the books

Well, at least Dubya's not a slimeball

Last week's column was lame -- here's why

Special effects not special anymore

February is a ridiculous little month

What's with all the pastels?

Maybe lottery is a good idea -- for me

You may need a helmet for this column

How can I forget something so good?

Why expect greatness on New Year's?

Election mess created one positive

I prefer my stirrups to be ad-free

David Spates: Model, trusses and poultry

Here's how to have a happy holiday

Tuesday was the time to question ballots

Time to take a dip in the gene pool

I want my change from the government

Halloween an all-time favorite of mine

Oh, how we fret over our locks

Were the good ol' days really good?

We should be more like the Fonz

I learned universal truths on vacation

Olympics are full of non-sports

A lot of woooooing going on here

Albom not just for "Sports Reporters"

Marriage penalty just political football?

Italian food and magazines create havoc

Kickball leftovers for president?

Maybe the NSA runs the grocery stores

I have a mere 145,000,000,001 points

It's time to load up the family truckster

The giant sumo worked his magic on me

Dad deserves better on Father's Day

My grand scheme finally comes to fruition

Which taxes do you want to pay today?

I serve as a beast of burden

NASCAR and hockey need some tweaking

Wanna go meatless for seven days?

My name's Dave. I'm a pen thief

Death penalty is STILL a bad idea

Finally! A photo I can be proud of

Schoolhouse Rock got me an easy 'A'

Richard Dawson could run the government

Sitting on the sofa on a Sunday afternoon

Credit a threat to rugged individualism

You can't wrap fish in an e-newspaper

Got an opinion? Go stand near the sign

Porn is the Internet's attached string

The Klan always good for material

I am the original typing rebel

Internal duck juice -- Mmmm! Mmmm!

The college bowl system is a scam

Don't play Butts Up with Henry Hitchcock

War on drugs: Not ready for prime time

We have a tough time killing the killers

They make odometers that last forever

Take my seat on the Titans' bandwagon


Random Thoughts

Weapons of
mass destruction?

The story of
Missionary Ridge

Bok Sanctuary
lives on

So what's new?

A look back at
Valentine's Day

Reflections on
space travel

Wind: I'm blown

I was on the
Reality Plateau

The ups and
downs of down

are under attack
these days

I hope Russell's
words come true

A shadow
remains this

Christmas needs
the music

Other Wise Man
draws me in
every year

The memory of
Dec. 7 will live
on forever

Thanksgiving is
more than just

The holidays are
in the air

Is the answer
blowing in
the wind?

The perpetual
Halloween house

Recycling is a
necessary effort

Fall is a treasure

Let's all go to

Shadow Warriors
is an interesting

Animal art adds
to city decor

A year ago today

It's starting
to bug me

Would you like
some water?

I read the news
with scissors
in hand

I salute
Nancy McNulty

Search for Jackie
Hall pays off

Annie's real
story, part II

Annie's real story

It was like Grand
Central Station

Mandy's back
at it again

Happy birthday,

Imagine a world
without color

The rest of the
Stafford story

American flag is
more than just a

"God is
Part II

"God is

Do we remember
Memorial Day?

on a tree house

Did you get a May Day basket?

Some customs are already gone

Spring is here,
but Wolfe
knew better

Ever been to a
Naifeh Coon

Exhibits abound
in our backyard

It was quite
an Easter hunt

The country look is in

The biggest news in 48 years?

Letter-writing is

Was imagination
dealt a death blow?

Imagination dealt a death blow?

A good day to propose

Winter extravaganza is here

Is all of THIS really news?

How about that Dell kid?

Paul Taylor has quite a story

History is full of time capsules

Wheeling Gaunt's gift

The real meaning of Christmas

Keep looking up

Kids are keeping spirit alive

Those pets sure were hamming it up

Thanksgiving is very special this year

Anthrax is hardly new

Fishers are back on the Plateau

Odds and ends

Diamond gem: Buck Stewart

Time's words seem prophetic

Train whistles signal nostalgia

The caller was Marlin Wightman

Another day to live in infamy

More on Coal Creek

Coal Creek War -- a look, Part II

Coal Creek War -- a look

More on the Gentry Tourist Camp

Don't let the bedbugs bite

Questions posed, questions answered

Col. Rice -- The Renaissance Man, Part II

Col. Rice -- The Renaissance Man

Help keep your country clean

Saturday night shopping a big deal for us

Memories of Route 66 will live on

Hassam's art in the U.S.

Take worn Old Glory to VFW

Stirring the patriotic juices

More on our "Lady of Fame"

Tidbits of this and that

Graduation a great time of year

Veteran profile, part II

Veteran profile, part I

Museum made a big impression on me

Holocaust still remembered

Brownlow refused to compromise

Faberge left his mark on Easter, Part II

Faberge left his mark on Easter

Love was on the bumper sticker

Don't forget to spring forward

Can't brush? Just chew a tree

Cheney issue doesn't deserve such fuss

Prunes or dried plums?

Progress has been made, work remains

Monuments have a storied past

Civil War took romance out of Feb. 14

The fur was flying at this auction

The Merrimack story is an amazing one

Slavery alive and well in the world

Flannel should thank Nina and Grace

I hope 2001 is wonderful for you

Will anyone miss Fred Waring? -- Part II

Will anyone miss Fred Waring?

I sure will miss Up With People

Been there, done that, doing it again

Will Rogers was an American treasure

Thanksgiving alive and well in Dallas

Behold the power of trees

Fannie sure made a literary impact

Today's column really is random

You can help resurrect a tree

Red hats galore!

Buckeyes mean a lot to me and Ohio

And the card read, "To Grammy Copus"

(Low Tax) not the only big case, Part II

(Low Tax) not the only big case

School sure is different nowadays

Being an Earthling can be fun

Weddings great for emotions

Summer treats are almost gone

Flex your constitutional muscles

Good time at the Ritz? Yassir, it was!

Cabbie made a great ambassador

Great Generation sure made its mark

Don't hoard those golden beauties

What is a teen-ager thinking?

Lawn orbs make me feel guilty

D-Day will always be with me

Flags are something special to veterans

Let's hope the drivers were paying attention

It's fun to discover family mysteries

Mother's Day extra special this year

Toast your juleps! It's Derby Day!

Easter and the wonderful staircase, Part II

Easter and the wonderful staircase

The egg mystery finally unravels

The Phlox Festival was a lot of fun

Have you mailed in your census form?

What will you do on Ash Wednesday?

Helen's forecasts are forever sunny

Hate is something we have to learn

Gene Stratton Porter

Let's hope the calendar is left alone

Newspapers dying? I seriously doubt it

The color orange and The Color Kittens

What will Y2K have in store for us?

Memories are things that live forever

Forgotten Communities

Where have they all gone

Giant pandas making a big splash

Razed Palace would create empty parking lot


The Right Stuff

What's the beef?

Government run amok

I have a question for Sen. Clinton

Bennett: A villain or victim?

Many to remember on Memorial Day

Laci and son Conner

Mother's Day

Winners and losers

What did they know, and when did they know it?

It's hard to be humble

Pfc Lynch -- hero

To serve and protect

What went wrong?

Abiding trust

His Excellency,
Bill Clinton?


Try to remember

His Excellency,
Kofi Annan

Looking for a
smoking gun

Will you

Kerry and the

Isn't this where
we came in?

Frist is the right
man at the
right time

Two peas
in a pod

The look ahead

The music of

Inspections a
farce or trap?

The whining

The devil is in
the fine print

"WWW" not
needed at the
Pig Roast

Let's take a
good look at
your taxes

Wellstone will
be missed

Just stay home
on Election Day

Adding up
the score

Fish or cut bait

Here we
go again

In whose best

The sounds
of silence

Well, I swan

How soon will
they forget?

Say what?

The year of the
write-in ballot

The 40-inch


Death and taxes

The old
Rochelle game

Criminal Court

Lowering the

I told you so!

Education ain't
what it
used to be

The lottery.
Always the

Here we go again -- again!

Cell phones
-- I hate 'em

Time to tackle
the TVA

Taking care
of business

Whose generosity is it?

When accusations become truth

A test of faith

Peace? There
is no peace

Too many

Now that's more like it

We've got one already!

Byrd droppings

Confidence in

The money trail

The money trail

No stimulus package

It ain't nesessarily so

What is the value of truth?

What "is" is

And justice for all?

Legalized voter manipulation

The true meaning of Xmas

The Al Gore legacy

Ashcroft 2, Leahy 0

One mystery solved?

Speaker Naifeh flying high!

Dear Honorable ...

Divided we fall

Quiet victory

Here I go again!

Words do have meanings

Misplaced loyalty

Closing the loopholes

Airline security revisited

Airline bail out a bad idea

United we stand!

TennCare sounds too good to me

At whose expense?

Another endangered species -- us!

Income tax makes strange bedfellows

Mountain or a molehill?

Why stem cells?

Half full vs. half empty

Is it constitutional?

Watch where you step!

The power of suggestion

Your place or mine?

Necessary or just nice?

Stars and Bars -- gone forever

How did Brooks get elected?

Paid for not growing corn

What's an extra few billion?

Tax reform is merely an "issue"

Democrats take aim at 4th District

We needed The Quiet Man

Who won the China standoff?

The perils of ladies and gentlemen

Guns definitely serve as deterrents

Identifying voters makes sense

No wonder you're not worried

Napster is a good deal gone sour

California should have seen it coming

Pardon me, your slip is showing

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