

David Spates
"Therefore I Am"

Kickball leftovers for
president? Rah, rah

George W. Bush and Al Gore? These are the best leaders our political system has to offer for the highest office in the country? Someone wake me up when it's over.

Now be honest. Do either one of these jokers inspire you to ask yourself not what can your country do for you but what you can do for your country? These guys don't even inspire me to ask what they can do for the country. I wouldn't follow either one of them into the last lifeboat.

The problem is the majority of American citizens don't care whose rear end is placed in the Oval Office's biggest leather chair. For most of us, the only difference comes when Letterman, Leno, Miller or whoever makes his nightly political jokes and simply fills in the blank with the president's surname.

People just don't feel that the role of president plays a significant part in the way their lives progress. In a society so narcissistic and self-involved as ours, it's no surprise that neither of these two men can generate a significant following among the masses. These days, people want to know what can be done for them. What is Al going to do for me? How can George make my life better? Very few of us consider what's best for the country as a whole.

Sad but true.

It takes a leader of tremendous principle, vigor, unwavering self-confidence, charisma and vision to motivate people around a common goal. Do any one of those qualities describe Albert or George? I know, I know - silly question.

I think we'd all like to be more passionate and interested in who is our nation's leader, but when presented with the option of Gore vs. Bush it doesn't take a crystal ball to realize that November's voter turnout likely will be as sparse as multisyllabic words in a Britney Spears song.

George and Al remind me of those dorky kids who try to buy their way into friendships with daddy's money. When you were 10, little Al and little George may have invited you over to their houses to play the newest and coolest video games. When you were 16, they'd offer the prettiest girls in school a ride in their new cars fresh off the showroom floor. When you were 20, they might have invited you to stop by their dorm rooms for free beer and pizza. As the years go by, the promises and lures get more and more extravagant. Sure the perks were nice, but you soon realized they weren't worth suffering through the company you had to keep.

"You want it? You got it. Just remember to vote for me in November."

Maybe my problem is that I expect too much from a president. I'd like to have someone at the helm who I know can handle whatever comes up. I get the feeling that about the only thing George and Albert can handle is their silver spoons with which they came into this world. You'd like to think that the most powerful position in the most powerful nation would draw only the most remarkable people our land has produced. Instead, the best and brightest go for the big corporate bucks, and We the People are saddled with having to decide who would do the least amount of harm.

Quite a way to pick a leader, don't you think? It's kind of like making the last kid who was picked for kickball the team captain.

Well, there are still a few months until the election. Maybe one of these fellows will break out of his weenie persona and show me a reason why I should pull the lever next to his name. I doubt it, but maybe.

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