

S.E. Wood
"A Conservative Viewpoint"

Divided we fall

I just heard the government-sponsored radio commercial for the umpteenth time, which ends with the admonition, "Our strength lies in our diversity." Well, let's think about it. Diversity certainly has its benefits. I love Mexican food, Italian food, even a little Japanese sushi, every now and then. French vocalist Edith Piaf has long been one of my favorites. But that has nothing to do with our nation's strength.

Strength comes from unity, not diversity. "United we stand!" Or "One nation, under God!" Remember? That comes from our Pledge of Allegiance, now prohibited in many of our tax-supported schools for fear of "offending" some of our more diverse students. Same thing with "The Star-Spangled Banner" - our national anthem!

There was a time when we were just Americans. If asked, and if we knew, we would respond that our ancestors came from Germany, or Italy or Poland, or somewhere. But we were Americans first, and rarely felt that any other identification was necessary. Now we have Irish-Americans, and African-Americans and Japanese-Americans, etc., etc. Always with the name of the country of origin preceding the name of the country whose liberties and other benefits they now enjoy.

Our devotion to diversity prevents us from praying publicly to the God identified in our nation's founding documents, whose mercies we implore at the opening of each legislative session, and whose name is imprinted on each and every piece of American currency. It requires us to issue driver's licenses to those who cannot read our traffic signs. It permits our representatives to be elected by those who cannot even read the names on the ballot. It sponsors legislation that encourages immigration from countries on the current CIA list of nations that sponsor international terrorism.

Even those of us who were born here, whose parents were born here, whose grandparents and great-grandparents were born here, cannot call ourselves "native" Americans. That identity belongs to yet another diverse group.

Tell you what. I will consider believing that our strength lies in our diversity when I see a bumper sticker that says "Allah Bless America!"

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Ed Wood is a resident of Sparta, TN. His column is published each Wednesday in the Crossville Chronicle.

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