"The Right Stuff"
Published Jan. 29, 2003 |
Candidate John Kerry
and the Electoral College
I agree it is disgustingly early, but presidential hopefuls
for 2004 are already out there, telling us what they are, and
showing us what they are not.
The Republicans have it easy. GW is their obvious choice,
and VP Cheney has said he will hang in there for another round.
The Democrats are up with their usual gaggle of candidates ranging
from an Orthodox Jew, to a trial lawyer, to a reverend who has
never had a church. And in the mix somewhere is multimillionaire
U.S. Sen. John Kerry from Massachusetts.
Kerry has to be a qualified candidate, because he gets $150 haircuts
from the salon of Christophe of Hollywood, the same hairdresser
as former President Bill Clinton, and he came by his fortune
the hard way - by marrying the widow of the Heinz Ketchup fortune!
This past week found Sen. Kerry beating the bushes in Dubuque,
IA, in an effort to raise a little campaign money, and to position
himself in the Iowa primary. But he ran into a bit of a problem
on the eve of his fund-raising trip when Matt Drudge dug up a
statement the senator made the last time he came to Dubuque.
Kerry then told a Boston Globe reporter, "I hate it!
I detest it! I hate going to places like Austin and Dubuque to
raise large sums of money. But I have to."
Dubuque resident Marsha Vittal commented, "I am sorry
he hates coming here and taking our money! ... He wants to be
my president, but he detests - detests coming to where I've chosen
to live my life, to ask for support!"
So what has that to do with the Electoral College? Simply
this. Sen. Kerry let slip what we have known of East Coast liberals
for years. They consider themselves to be better educated, more
sophisticated, and frankly just better people than those of us
out here in America's heartland. We see this elitist attitude
everywhere. Sen. Kerry was just dumb enough to admit it.
Were it not for the wisdom of our founding fathers in establishing
the Electoral College system, our whole country would be controlled
by the population centers of New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and
Miami. Remember the "red" states that elected President
Bush in the last election, and the "blue" states that
gave Al Gore a popular vote lead? The red states make up about
90 percent of the county, but had it not been for the wisdom
of the Electoral College system, the 10 percent would have elected
Al Gore as president.
So Sen. Kerry, I am sorry it falls beneath your elitist dignity
to have to deal with the likes of us from Dubuque, and Austin,
and Middle Tennessee. But, thank God, in our American democracy
that's the way it is. Get over it!
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Ed Wood is a resident of Sparta, TN. His column is published
each Wednesday in the Crossville Chronicle.