"The Right Stuff"
Published Sept. 25, 2002 |
Here we go again
Don't you just love it? Last time it was former VP Al Gore
complaining that voters in the three Florida counties of Broward,
West Palm Beach and Miami-Dade were either incapable of casting
and/or counting his votes. And now we have former Attorney General
Janet Reno making the same charge in the same three counties
where she lost her bid to become the Democrat candidate for governor.
But there is one important difference. As a result of the
Al Gore stink, the state of Florida has spent millions of dollars
replacing the "punch card" machines with state-of-the-art
electronic voting machines that even Florida voters were supposed
to be able to understand. All they had to do was touch the screen
of the electronic voting machine where the name of the candidate
was shown, and their vote would be recorded. No squinting through
the little holes in the ballots. No dangling chads. No opportunity
for error.
But like Al Gore, Reno lost! So she is using Al's old claim
that her supporters were denied access to the polls, that her
votes didn't get counted, that the finger-pointing caused smudges
on the computer screens, etc., etc., and at one point threatened
to take the issue into federal court.
So what's that got to do with us? Well, there are two bills
before Congress right now that would mandate that every precinct
in every county in every state must purchase these new electronic
voting machines, at $6,000 per, prior to the 2004 presidential
election. Our own Putnam County, in an effort to get ahead of
the game, has already purchased new electronic machines. (These
are the same machines that malfunctioned in the recent August
primary, causing a 48-hour delay in tabulating their results.)
So get ready, folks. Meaning no disrespect to very well-meaning
and dedicated folks, without whom an election could not be possible,
can you imagine the task of training our poll workers in the
operation of these new electronic marvels, that even the manufacturers
of which cannot figure out how to make work? And of course the
losing candidates will be in there swinging, threatening all
sorts of legal action against the poll workers, election officials,
machine manufacturers.
It's gonna' be fun!
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Ed Wood is a resident of Sparta, TN. His column is published
each Wednesday in the Crossville Chronicle.