

S.E. Wood
"A Conservative Viewpoint"

Guns definitely serve as a deterrent

A "deterrent" is what you use to convince others that if they do something to hurt you, you will hurt them more. It can be as simplistic as a baseball bat, or as breathtaking as a battleship. But it only works if others know you have it, and are willing to use it.

We hear much these days about the evils of gun ownership. But we hear little about their value as a deterrent toward discouraging those who would do you harm.

Back in 1981, Morton Grove, IL, a Chicago suburb, as a means of reducing crime in their city, passed a city ordinance prohibiting the ownership of handguns. In an expression of ridicule, more than anything else, the city of Kennesaw, GA, then passed their own city ordinance requiring every homeowner to keep a gun on the premises.

Both laws were written so poorly that there was really no enforcement at either location. Morton Grove Police Chief, George Incledon, said only about 10 people, out of a population of 25,000, actually turned in their firearms. The Georgia law excluded convicted felons, those "who suffer a physical disability," and "those who conscientiously oppose firearms as a result of religious doctrine or belief." No one was ever cited for owning or not owning a firearm. But it was the perception that made the difference in each case.
In a recently released study by United Press International (UPI), it was reported that the crime rate in Morton Grove, IL, has remained about the same. The would-be burglars assumed their victims would be defenseless, so they continued along their merry way - armed with their own weapons, of course. The Morton Grove experiment didn't work.

But in Kennesaw, GA, the results were astonishingly successful. The crime rate plummeted! Burglaries dropped from 54 in 1981 to 36 in 1999, while the population increased from 5,242 to over 19,000. A drop from roughly 10 burglaries per 1,000 residents to two per 1,000 - a drop of 80 percent per capita! Kennesaw's Crime Statistics Report said, "Violent crime has become almost nonexistent in residential neighborhoods." Kennesaw Detective Cpl. Craig Grayson, a 16-year veteran of the force, said he has heard no open opposition to the gun law, even though most of Kennesaw's newcomers are from northern states where such a provision would be considered an expression of right-wing extremism.

So whether you support the Second Amendment right to gun ownership, or oppose it for whatever reason, gun ownership's crime deterrent factor is for real!

UPI, who released the study, contacted the Washington office of Handgun Control, a leading gun control advocacy group, and asked for their comment on the Kennesaw crime statistic. They declined comment.

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