

S.E. Wood
"A Conservative Viewpoint"

Pardon me?

"Pardon, your slip is showing!"

In these days of pant suits and blue jeans, that statement probably doesn't carry much relevance. But there was a time when a lady's ultimate embarrassment was the appearance of her slip showing below her dress. Well, things have changed a bit, and if women did still wear such an undergarment, it would take much more than a fringe of lace to create a blush of embarrassment.

But in the life of an ex-president, it is the pardon itself that keeps showing. We had become somewhat conditioned to the proposition that it takes money to run a political campaign, and so what if a little of it comes from Communist China or from a fugitive who just happened to be in need of a criminal pardon.

That's just life in the fast lane.

But every week brings a new twist. First it was Roger Clinton, brother of the ex-president and recipient of one of the midnight pardons, who is being investigated by the FBI for accepting bribe money for the purchase of other Clinton pardons. And while that investigation continues, now we learn that Hillary's brother, Hugh Rodham, was also into the act. Big time! Four hundred thousand dollars' worth!

But the real fun part is how the word got out, and how the mainstream press is spinning to downplay its significance. With all the investigative reporters of The New York Times,The Washington Post, ABC, NBC, CBS, etc., etc., it was the grocery store tabloid, The National Enquirer, that broke the story. When ex-prez Clinton got word of it, he "leaked" his own version of events to the Associated Press, in which he expressed his astonishment that such a thing could have happened, vowed no knowledge of the payoff to the first brother-in-law, and revealed that he had actually insisted that Hugh return the $400 grand, presumably to the now-pardoned convicts who had paid him. Furthermore, Bill claimed that his brother-in-law, with whom he golfed last week in Florida, had actually never even mentioned the pardons to him!

Now let's see. Hugh Rodham takes $400,000 from two convicted felons to purchase their pardons from the only person in the world with the power to grant such pardons, and he never mentioned the pardons to him? Now what kind of lawyer is that? And by the way, Hillary says he didn't mention them to her either.

When the story broke, The Washington Post headlined, "Hugh Rodham Returns Pardon Fees," instead of, "Hugh Rodham Received Bribes For Pardons." They then went on to explain that after all, Rodham is a lawyer, just doing what any good lawyer would do. No different from the fee received by former White House attorney Jack Quinn in securing a pardon for his fugitive client, Marc Rich. And the bribes received by brother Hugh were not really bribes anyhow, they were just "success fees." I kid you not, that's a direct quotation.

Someone has described the Clinton path from the White House to be like that of a snail crawling across your basement floor ... leaving behind a trail of slime. And it just keeps getting slimier and slimier.

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