"The Right Stuff"
Published March 5, 2003 |
Political observations
I have been watching the political scene for decades now and
frankly have never seen the sort of political divisiveness we
are now experiencing. And it does not bode well for the future
of our nation.
The Democrat Party held control of Congress for some 40-plus
years. The presidential seat swapped back and forth, but for
much of the 20th century the Democrats had always controlled
Congress. As a result of the two most recent national elections,
the Republican Party now controls both houses of Congress plus
the presidency. And the only way the Democrats believe they can
ever regain their previously held positions of power is for the
current Bush administration to fail. Even if it means taking
the entire nation down with it.
Sadly, the evidence of this tactic is abundantly clear. All
you have to do is listen to Sen. Tom Daschle or any of the group
of Democratic presidential hopefuls from the Rev. Al Sharpton,
to John Edwards, to Carol Moseley-Braun. They are loudly opposing
the president's programs, both at home and abroad, without offering
an alternative of their own. Their strategy is for the president
to fail, and they will then rush in to pick up the pieces.
Clearly, the economy needs a boost. The administration has
proposed a stimulus package it believes will turn the economy
around. Even Chairman Greenspan agrees. But the Democrats, to
a man, oppose it while offering no plan of their own. For the
economy to slip into a deeper recession would serve their purpose
better than would an economic recovery.
A great urgency exists in the need to appoint judges to various
federal benches. The backlog of cases is becoming staggering,
and criminals remain free. Yet, the Democrats are right now staging
a filibuster in the Senate to prevent the nomination of an eminently
qualified candidate for the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals, Miguel
Estrada, a candidate with impeccable credentials, given the highest
rating by the liberal-leaning American Bar Association, and a
former member of the Clinton Justice Department. But Senate Democrats
are filibustering to prevent his nomination from even coming
to a vote! The defeat of the eminently qualified Estrada would
be a defeat for the Bush administration, and in the minds of
the Democrat senators, that is more important to their cause
than appointing a qualified judge to serve the needs of the nation.
Even the fight against terrorism is being politicized. Efforts
by the Department of Homeland Security are being ridiculed as
being ineffective, although there have been no further terrorist
attacks since Sept. 11. There have been many threats, by Osama
bin Laden and others, and many warnings of potential opportunities
for attack as we have celebrated our national holidays and other
large public events. But so far our homeland security efforts
are working, even as they are being ridiculed as having provided
nothing more than a suggestion for the use of plastic wrap and
duct tape. For our homeland security effort to fail would benefit
those political outsiders who seek to control it.
Do the president's opponents also hope the administration
will suffer a stinging military defeat in Iraq, with our men
and women being returned in body bags? I would certainly hope
their cynicism and their political ambitions would not take them
that far. But if they can thwart the president's program by aligning
themselves with France, Germany and the other dissenters in the
United Nations, as they are doing, and cause the president to
lose support, both at home and abroad, and be seen as indecisive
and not living up to his State of the Union tough-guy rhetoric,
you have to admit it would be to their political benefit to do
Sacrificing the future of our nation, both at home and abroad,
on the altar of political ambition is serious business, folks.
And I have never seen it as bad as it is right now.
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Ed Wood is a resident of Sparta, TN. His column is published
each Wednesday in the Crossville Chronicle.