

Mike Moser
"I Say"

A laundry list of things that amaze me

Have you ever wondered and marveled at what must go on in some people's mind after witnessing their actions'. Or maybe better put, the lack of what goes on in some minds'.

From time to time I take a break from staring at this computer screen to smoke my pipe on the back dock, stretch my legs, clear out the cob webs and just reflect on what I have completed and the mountain that still appears before me.

I also see things I wish I hadn't seen.

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Why would anyone go to the Crossville Police Department to pay a traffic citation and park on the wrong side of the road? A week does not go by without me seeing someone facing north, parked against the curb in front of the police department.
What are they thinking?

"Gee, thanks for the ticket. I enjoyed that one so much, could you give me another?"
Traffic Control Officer Brenda Vaden told me the other day she often advises people they need to move their vehicles when parked wrong at the police station. The response is often blank stares. Sometimes she gets a smart remark.

People get angry when she gives them a break and does not cite them for illegally parking.

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Wednesday I witnessed as close an accident waiting to happen as I have seen lately. One car was traveling south on Henry Ave. when a car traveling First St. from West Ave. stopped at Henry Ave. The vehicle then pulled out in front of the southbound car.

Now, I don't blame her totally, as a truck parked across from the new Municipal Building obstructed her vision. So once she pulled out in front of the oncoming car, what did she do next? She floored it and traveled the wrong way down the one-way street beside the Municipal Building. In driving, do two wrongs make a right?

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Then there was the guy last week who went to the police department to pay a fine for a traffic citation. He also had been cited for driving on a suspended license. How did he get there? He drove all the way from Spring City, of course.

When Ptl. Alan Wyatt advised the motorist that he would have to call someone to drive him home, that he could not be allowed to drive on the suspended license, he responded, "You all are a bunch of smart asses here."


Who was it that drove to the police department on a suspended license?
I might add that Alan took the lashing a lot better than I would have. Guess who sat in the city hall parking lot for nearly two hours, with a police car sitting around the corner, just waiting...and I had to chuckle just a little bit, because in the end, someone from Spring City had to come and drive him back to Rhea County.

Sometimes, in a twisted way, there is justice in this world.

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