"Therefore I Am"
Published July 16, 2002 |
Ax the incumbents
and bring on Gene Gene
If any state politician gets re-elected this year,
it will be an outrage. There, I said it.
If I had done my job as poorly as the members of the Tennessee
Senate and House of Representatives did theirs, I'd be justifiably
out on my ear. The choices we, the electing public, made were
bad ones. The folks we sent to Nashville turned in a dismal performance.
It's that simple.
Trouble is, I like many of the incumbents. In my previous
life as a full-time newsroom lackey, I pressed the flesh with
a fair share of political movers and shakers. Most are nice people
with a sincere desire to do what's best for the state. They're
not the type who ran for office with aspirations of annually
bringing home increasingly larger barrels of pork and moving
up the political ladder. These are good people, but sometimes
good people do bad jobs.
I understand it was a tough task -- probably a no-win scenario.
That, that right there. That's my beef. With a little effort
and planning, our state should never face a no-win scenario.
The entire time the state legislature was scrambling to slap
together a last-minute Band-Aid budget,
I thought about college. I had a few college classes into
which, quite honestly, I didn't put much effort. Maybe I missed
a lecture or two (or six or eight) and maybe I didn't read all
of the books. What happened when the final exam came? You guessed
it. I was cramming like a fiend the night before, and do you
know something? It never worked.
Our state leaders waited until the night before the test to
buckle down, and it shows. An economic plan assembled so hastily,
under the gun of a government shutdown, cannot be a best effort.
We deserve better than a handful of all-nighters.
The budget was woefully underfunded, and new sources of revenue
had to be found. What happened to the tobacco settlement cash
that was supposed to be spent on health-related issues? It's
long gone, but thanks to our state leaders, Tennessee will be
able to maintain some of the lowest cigarette prices in the nation.
(Smokes here are higher than most other tobacco-producing states,
but take a look at other states' prices.) Meanwhile, the sales
tax inches up another percent and business taxes go through the
roof, but at least we don't have an income tax. Fine. Great.
You say toMAYto, I say toMAHto. Let's call the whole thing off.
Call the tax what you like, it's still coming out of your and
my pockets.
The incumbents want us to give them another chance. I say
they had their swing. It's time to give someone else a hack.
After all, the incumbents' action or inaction resulted in the
largest tax increase in Tennessee history!
I'd like to repeat that last sentence because it sounds mildly
The incumbents' action or inaction resulted in the largest
tax increase in Tennessee history! If we don't kick them out
of office after THAT, when should we? What else would they have
to do before we show them the door? What's the worst that could
happen with new leaders? Even if the new leaders voted in the
second largest tax increase in state history, wouldn't that be
an improvement?
I'm not so much a supporter of the challengers but rather
a denouncer of the incumbents, and I'm not concerned with how
the incumbents voted. Some voted for the increases, and some
voted against them. It really doesn't matter. What matters is
that the incumbents, as a whole, have demonstrated that they
don't work well together. Individually, one-on-one, I'm sure
each legislator can achieve great things with his or her talents.
When we put them all in a room, however, things go downhill in
a big, big hurry. Maybe the challengers won't be any better,
but the incumbents don't deserve another term.
If the Tennessee House and Senate had performed on "The
Gong Show," Jaye P. Morgan would have pounded the Zildjian
a long time ago. It's time to bring on Gene Gene the Dancing
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David Spates is a Knoxville resident and Crossville Chronicle contributor whose column
is published each Tuesday. He can be reached at davespates@chartertn.net.