"Random Thoughts"
Published Sept. 11, 2002 |
A year ago today ...
Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, began like every other morning.
First a cup of coffee, as television gave the news. At 7:46 CST
the day was no longer like every other day, when we saw the plane
hit the World Trade Center. We remembered watching the scenes
from this same place on Feb. 26, 1993 after it was bombed, but
when the second plane hit the south tower, we knew this was different.
With members of our family scattered around the country, our
first thought was where were they, especially our son and his
wife who both worked for American Airlines. It was early evening
before we talked with that son. This couple has a crazy schedule.
He is involved in the construction and expansion of American's
concourse at the Miami airport. She is in American Airlines reservation
operations, and at that time was manager of the facility in Hartford,
CT, but a new reservation office in North Carolina was about
to open and she was responsible for that one too. She was there
for a few days and our son was caring for their 2-year-old son
in her absence.
As we discussed the day's happenings, he mentioned she had
been on the phone with one of the flight attendants on AA Flight
11. He gave strict orders that this was off the record. We talked
again the next evening and he added that she had been questioned
by the FBI for most of day and into the wee hours of Sept. 12.
During the rest of that week of chaos and restricted air schedules,
she finally made her way back to Connecticut by car with several
other American employees. We spoke to her by phone and told her
she and her ordeal had been in our thoughts and prayers. Additional
prayers were with our Navy grandson, whose small special forces
team had immediately volunteered and were on their way to Afghanistan.
Since that frightful day we have been with our son and wife
twice, but her part in that day seemed too private to ask about
unless she chose to talk. Now almost a year later, on Aug. 12,
USA Today gave a minute-by-minute account of Sept. 11 and we
knew. They referred to her as the North Carolina reservation
agent and our son confirmed it was she.
The story said, "The ordeal began at 8:15 a.m. when the
first indication that something was wrong came from a reservations
agent in North Carolina." She called American Airlines Operations
Center in Fort Worth and told them she was speaking on another
line with a flight attendant on American Flight 11, a Boeing
767, heading from Boston to Los Angeles. She cannot transfer
the call to Fort Worth because the system won't let her, so she
begins to relay messages coming from the attendant.
In hushed tones the attendant tells there is a passenger dead
and a crew member dying. The jet is on an erratic path and there
are intruders in the cockpit. At 8:46 a.m. the North Carolina
agent abruptly loses the call. The north tower of the World Trade
Center had just been rammed.
As we read that account we realized for the first time the
significance of our daughter-in law's part in that day of thousands
of tragedies.
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Dorothy Copus Brush is a Fairfield Glade resident and Crossville
Chronicle staffwriter whose column is published each Wednesday.