"The Right Stuff"
Published March 19, 2003 |
Abiding trust
Let me share with you a somewhat personal experience. My
8-year-old grandson attends a church-sponsored elementary school.
His school cannot afford a gymnasium, swimming pool, or other
luxuries of a public school, so arrangements were made for three
weeks of swimming instruction at the local YMCA. Yesterday was
their first day. My daughter and her husband, being the overly
protective parents they are, accompanied the class to the "Y"
to make certain none of the kids drowned.
Last night, my son-in-law got a call from a school official
wanting to know if he saw a naked man in the men's dressing room.
Seems that several of the boys had told their parents they saw
such a person, and the parents were irate! My son-in-law acknowledged
that there was such an unclothed person in the dressing room.
A well-known local businessman-member, who had finished his
exercise workout, had taken his shower, and was toweling himself
off when the boys came in. Can you possibly imagine the consequences
if my son-in-law hadn't been there to witness and testify to
the innocence of the event? As you know, all it takes these
days is an accusation.
Our church just got a new pastor. The first thing he requested
was the installation of a full-width glass panel in his office
door, so if counsel with a female member of the congregation
is requested, such a meeting would be held in full view of all
passers by. I am sure the former pastor of nearly 15 years never
even gave a thought to such a thing, and would probably have
been offended if it had been suggested to him. But times are
different now.
Department-store Santas can no longer hold children on their
laps. School crossing guards are warned to never touch the children
while escorting them across a busy intersection. I know of a
former Eagle Scout, and father of three children, who would like
to work with the local Scout troop. But he has been advised that
his intentions might be misinterpreted since his own children
are no longer of scouting age.
What has happened to us? Can't we trust anybody any more?
The news in Nashville last week was of a 25-year-old man standing
in the doorway of his home, exposing himself to passing children
on their way to and from school. This week in Atlanta, it was
a medical examiner for an insurance company who has been charged
with sexual battery for conducting improper examination techniques.
I understand, and yet I don't understand. In this day and
time, we can't be too careful with the safety and security of
our children. But as we caution them against those who would
do them harm, we must remember to tell them that the world is
largely made of good, decent people. People who wouldn't hesitate
to come to their aid, should the need arise. We can't allow
our children to grow up to be skeptics and cynics, based on the
misconduct of a few.
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Ed Wood is a resident of Sparta, TN. His column is published
each Wednesday in the Crossville Chronicle.