

S.E. Wood
"A Conservative Viewpoint"

Quiet victory

Our nation experienced a magnificent victory last Tuesday night in Yankee Stadium. You didn't hear about it? I'm not surprised. You see, nothing happened. And that's the point. Nothing happened! After all, isn't that the whole objective in our current "war" against terrorism - to make nothing happen?

Think about it. "Oprah" had just been interrupted with an announcement by the United States Attorney General that he had received "credible evidence" that another terrorist attack was imminent. Military and law enforcement personnel were placed on an even higher state of alert. We were advised to call the FBI if we saw any suspicious activity among our friends and neighbors. The Internet was abuzz with dire predictions of a disruption of the World Series. Vice President Dick Cheney was again hustled into some secret fortified bunker for safekeeping.

Then came Tuesday night. Fifty-seven thousand people gathered in one spot to witness the president of the United States make a solitary walk to the pitcher's mound, and throw a strike across home plate. And nothing happened.

The news media didn't like it. How can they support their 24-hour-a-day programming with nothing to report? Just imagine a telephone call from Peter Jennings to Bill Gates, Microsoft CEO, trying to drum up some business for "World News Tonight."

"Hello! Bill ... ah ... Mr. Gates. This is Peter. Peter Jennings! You know ... 'ABC World News Tonight.' 6 p.m. Every night. Peter Jennings! We've got a couple of 30-second spots on tonight's broadcast we're saving especially for you. They're on special discount, one time only, at $230,000 each. What are we going to report? Well ... ah ... nothing really. You see, nothing blew up today. No, nothing happened at Yankee Stadium, either. No, no more anthrax or anything like that. But you should see our new weather girl! Wow ... what a knockout! Ah ... Mr. Gates! Please don't hang up! Mr. Gates! Mr. Gates!"

So you see, therein lies the problem. Did the Attorney General's alert prevent a terrorist attack on Yankee Stadium? Is it possible that one of the more than 900 terrorist suspects detained by the FBI had the means to blow up the World Series? Have our bombings in Afghanistan destroyed Osama bin Laden's ability to organize another attack? We'll never know, will we? And that's the way it should be.
But the media doesn't like it. They can't support their 24/7 news programs by reporting another day in which nothing happened. So they are scrambling to find something to report, like one of our bombs missing its target.

Many of our politicians don't like it, either, because they can't brag about their brave participation in our war effort. Poll results indicate that even we, the American public, are beginning to wonder if the authorities are crying "wolf" too often. And yet, our victories are those days when nothing really happens.
It's different. But, for the most part, it seems to be working.

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Ed Wood is a resident of Sparta, TN. His column is published each Wednesday in the Crossville Chronicle.

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