

Mike Moser
"I Say"

Couldn't they wait until my birthday?

I am so mad. No, I am angry. Wait, I think I am hurt more than anything.

Now before you say it, I know these are good folks. They do a lot of good, but I am not one of them, so leave me alone and quit trying to recruit me. I am not ready for this and may not ever be.

Sure, I knew the day was coming, but I have four months before I could even become official ... so why are they licking their chops to get my membership fee? Heck, they even issued me a temporary card with an ID number.

Today in the mail I received my invitation to join the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP).

It's not even my birthday, not for four months. Aren't they rushing things just a bit? Aren't they getting just a little too excited about all this? Do I look like I have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel?
To make matters worse, the Today Show reminded me this morning that this year is Mr. Potato Head's 50th birthday, too.

I can remember when 35 seemed like an old age to be. My kids constantly remind me how old I am, and how more ancient my thought processes and ideas are. I thought the elderly were supposed to get respect, but the older I get, the more wisecracks I get from my kids.

What is a bit humorous to me is that my parents are in denial. Not only do they not believe they are old, they both retired from one job so they could go to work at another. Granted, both are working part time but they do so because they want.

I can hear my mother roaring at this news, thinking it quite funny that I received such a jolt in the evening mail. My father would be looking at the optimistic side, figuring up all the discounts and such.

When I saw the envelope, I knew exactly what was inside. Opening the letter just confirmed my fears. How did the rascals know I was approaching the big 5-oh?

I was more than a bit amused as I read the invitation to register for membership. The discount king was even offering me a discount on membership, if I purchased three years instead of one. That would be optimistic, wouldn't it? Kinda like expecting Social Security to be here when the big day really does come?

Oh, I know it is nice to get those dinner discounts and cheaper hotel rates, etc. And I suppose the group health is OK if one can afford it, and free tax preparation sounds nice although the computer makes it so easy these days.

I just don't know if I am ready to go to the counter and whip out the AARP card along with my 20 spot to pay for a meal. It is kinda like confessing. Or conceding, conceding that I am getting "((O L D))."

It is not that I am vain. I am not, at least not about age. But, I hate being stereotyped and being a card-toting AARP member kinda stereotypes me, no offense, mind you.

I don't really want the kids to have in writing something to confirm the suspicions they had of their dinosaur dad. I am young. I feel young. I don't look so young, but I don't look so old, either.

Well, I guess it is time to end this column. I have to go to the grocery store and check out the all-bran cereals and compare prices of prune juice. Maybe I should grab a bottle of Geritol while I am there.

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Mike Moser is the editor of the Crossville Chronicle. His column is published periodically on Fridays.

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