"The Right Stuff"
Published Oct. 9, 2002 |
Adding up the score
The Wall Street Journal ran an article recently on the financial
condition of the various states and what their governors had
done to either improve or worsen their conditions. Sadly, our
Governor Sundquist was shown to be in the latter category.
Just in case there are those of you, who, like me, could never
afford a subscription, or have the time to read it if you could,
here is a summary of their findings.
In the past 12 years, state budgets have increased more than
they did in the previous 100 years! State budgets grew faster
than the federal budget! The governors even managed to outspend
Bill Clinton! Because of runaway spending, many states are planning
massive tax increases in 2003. There is a lesson to be learned,
if our politicians would listen.
During the 1990-'91 recession, New Jersey, California and
Connecticut tried to balance their budgets with massive tax increases,
which only plunged them into even deeper fiscal holes. But this
time, John Engler of Michigan, Fife Stymington of Arizona and
Christine Todd Whitman of New Jersey, cut rates during the downturn.
Local economies improved, and these states generated more revenues!
Isn't that what our local anti-income tax people have been preaching?
The Wall Street Journal then graded the current governors
on their performances. Bill Owens of Colorado, Roy Barnes of
Georgia and Jeb Bush of Florida, were given "A" grades.
"F" grades were given to Gray Davis of California,
Bob Taft of Ohio and our own Don Sundquist.
The article concluded with the statement: "The lesson
of the 1990s is that governors can't tax their way back to prosperity.
An analysis by the American Legislative Exchange Council of state
tax policy during the past decade found that the 10 states that
cut taxes the most created twice as many new jobs as the 10 states
that raised their taxes the most. In investment terms, it's always
wise to short states that are raising tax rates."
With all our candidates running around talking about how they
are going to create more jobs for our state, I have not heard
a one of them mention cutting taxes as a way to get it done!
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Ed Wood is a resident of Sparta, TN. His column is published
each Wednesday in the Crossville Chronicle.