

David Spates
"Therefore I Am"

We Dummies appreciate those books

There must be a lot of dummies out there. When I was a kid, I was told that it wasn't nice to call people dummies. Things have changed a bit since the early '70s apparently. Now, not only do people call other people dummies on a regular basis, but they get paid to do it. Paid handsomely, I might add. Pointing out that other folks are dummies and trying to help them reduce their level of ignorance has turned into quite the industry.

I'm referring to the wildly popular ... For Dummies series of instructional books -- a series, as far as I can tell, which includes more than 1,000 titles. That's a lot of dummies out there in the world.

Poke around on the Internet or, Heaven forbid, turn off the computer, hop in the car and visit a real bookstore and you'll see how many subjects there are in the world in which people feel so hopelessly inept that they'll actually purchase a book that refers to the buyer as a dummy.

Now before all you dummies out there start losing your cool because I called you a dummy, don't take it personally. I'm just using the same word that the publisher is using. If you want to vent your huff at someone, aim it toward Hungry Minds Inc. I didn't start this dummies thing. I don't really think you're a dummy, as far as you know.

Judging by the number of titles and the sales figures I've seen, there are a lot of us dummies walking around. Yes, I'm a dummy, too. Like apparently most people, I have at least one dummy book in my home, Painting and Wallpapering for Dummies. I don't like to think of myself as a dummy, but I bought the book, probably like many of you, so I accept the dummy label begrudgingly.

A recent trip to the bookstore, however, demonstrated vividly how many dummies we have walking among us, and you'd be surprised at some of the topics with which these dummies are having trouble. Getting the lowdown on a few wallpapering tricks is one thing, but some of the titles I saw gave me serious pause.

The title that started this entire thread of thought is Parenting for Dummies. The wife and I were in a bookstore recently when I spotted that one. She was looking for a book about what the expect during the first year of raising a child when I noticed Parenting for Dummies standing on the shelf.

Doesn't that title just, well, I don't know, worry you? I can stipulate to myself that when it comes to wallpapering, I may indeed be a dummy to some degree, but Parenting for Dummies? The first thought that popped into my smarty-pants mind was that maybe dummies ought not to be reproducing. If a dummy messes up the wallpaper in the hallway, then he tears it down and either tries it again, paints over it or calls in a professional to do it the right way. But if a dummy is taking a stab at parenting, well, that just seems like a disaster waiting to happen.

Part of me wanted to spend the rest of the day at the bookstore watching the shelf. I wanted to see who came in and purchased a copy. I admit that at this point I know very little about parenting, but I simply cannot go as far as purchasing a book called Parenting for Dummies. It's quite possible that the information contained in Parenting for Dummies is strikingly similar to the information included in the any number of books the wife and I have read, but there's just something about that title. I'm probably being a little too literal here, but what can you expect from a guy who can't figure out wallpaper?

Squelching my urge to stakeout the "parenting" section at Barnes & Noble, I decided to look around the store and see what issues are causing other dummies to scratch their noodles. I'm a fairly creative guy, at least for a dummy, but I never would have come up with some of these hilarious titles. I guess anytime you tack on the phrase "for dummies" after a serious topic, you're bound to have some hilarious titles. Here's some I found that day.

Philosophy for Dummies. The first thing I thought of when I saw this one was Britney Spears reading in the studio late one night after everyone has gone home. It's just a funny image to me.

The SAT for Dummies. Why a dummy would bother with a college-admissions test is beyond me.

Sex for Dummies. I kid you not. Can you imagine a better gift to give your spouse after a big fight?

Smart Homes for Dummies. Great. Now the houses are smarter than their owners.

Dating for Dummies. Boy, talk about a plan of last resort.

Success for Dummies. I guess Britney's already read that one.

Time Management for Dummies. So many dumb things to do, so little time.

Marketing for Dummies. I think every Madison Avenue firm believes in this one whole-heartedly. Oh, I'm sorry, that's Marketing to Dummies. Never mind.

Investing for Dummies. If you really are a dummy, you don't need to be messing around with the stock market. It's a mystery how you got any money in the first place. Put whatever wadded bills you have under your mattress. That's my financial advice for dummies.

Carpentry for Dummies. Now here's a book you definitely don't want to see in the front seat of the guy building your home.

Cool Careers for Dummies. Again, a Britney favorite.

Cocktail Parties for Dummies. I'm not making these up! I have this vision of all these dull, stupid people standing around nibbling on Fritos and bean dip, sipping wine from a screw-top bottle and discussing the plot line inconsistencies of "Who's the Boss?" Actually, I think I may have attended that party once.
Cats for Dummies. Which part of "scoop out the litter box" didn't you understand?

Those are just a few of the titles I found. I think I'll write my own book for dummies. I think I'll call it How to Write a Book for Dummies for Dummies.

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