GN tornado section - page 1

Palm Sunday
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Serving your community for
32 pages | 75 cents
Volume 178, Number 87
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FROM the
remembering sUNNYSIDE
In a day filled with death, Sunnyside
Addition suffered the most loss | 8
Anatomy of disaster
Weather experts break down how the
deadly twisters formed that day | 4
On April 11, 1965 our community was
changed forever as multiple killer tornadoes
tore through Elkhart and LaGrange coun-
ties on Palm Sunday, killing 70 people and
destroying hundreds of homes.
It was, without question, the darkest day in
local history. Now, 50 years later, we can
still feel the magnitude of that day as we re-
member those we lost and those we leaned
on for strength.
— The Goshen News
the messenger
Just 17, Goshen’s Thys Van Hout was
called upon to transmit messages | 18
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