/** * Tweener * Transition controller for movieclips, sounds, textfields and other objects * * @author Zeh Fernando, Nate Chatellier, Arthur Debert * @version 1.26.62 */ /* Licensed under the MIT License Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Zeh Fernando and Nate Chatellier Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. http://code.google.com/p/tweener/ http://code.google.com/p/tweener/wiki/License */ import caurina.transitions.Equations; import caurina.transitions.AuxFunctions; import caurina.transitions.SpecialPropertiesDefault; import caurina.transitions.SpecialProperty; import caurina.transitions.SpecialPropertyModifier; import caurina.transitions.SpecialPropertySplitter; import caurina.transitions.TweenListObj; import caurina.transitions.PropertyInfoObj; class caurina.transitions.Tweener { private static var _engineExists:Boolean = false; // Whether or not the engine is currently running private static var _inited:Boolean = false; // Whether or not the class has been initiated private static var _currentTime:Number; // The current time. This is generic for all tweenings for a "time grid" based update private static var _tweenList:Array; // List of active tweens private static var _timeScale:Number = 1; // Time scale (default = 1) private static var _transitionList:Object; // List of "pre-fetched" transition functions private static var _specialPropertyList:Object; // List of special properties private static var _specialPropertyModifierList:Object; // List of special property modifiers private static var _specialPropertySplitterList:Object; // List of special property splitters /** * There's no constructor. */ public function Tweener () { trace ("Tweener is an static class and should not be instantiated.") } // ================================================================================================================================== // TWEENING CONTROL functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Adds a new tweening * * @param (first-n param) Object Object that should be tweened: a movieclip, textfield, etc.. OR an array of objects * @param (last param) Object Object containing the specified parameters in any order, as well as the properties that should be tweened and their values * @param .time Number Time in seconds or frames for the tweening to take (defaults 2) * @param .delay Number Delay time (defaults 0) * @param .useFrames Boolean Whether to use frames instead of seconds for time control (defaults false) * @param .transition String/Function Type of transition equation... (defaults to "easeoutexpo") * @param .onStart Function * Direct property, See the TweenListObj class * @param .onUpdate Function * Direct property, See the TweenListObj class * @param .onComplete Function * Direct property, See the TweenListObj class * @param .onOverwrite Function * Direct property, See the TweenListObj class * @param .onStartParams Array * Direct property, See the TweenListObj class * @param .onUpdateParams Array * Direct property, See the TweenListObj class * @param .onCompleteParams Array * Direct property, See the TweenListObj class * @param .onOverwriteParams Array * Direct property, See the TweenListObj class * @param .rounded Boolean * Direct property, See the TweenListObj class * @param .skipUpdates Number * Direct property, See the TweenListObj class * @return Boolean TRUE if the tween was successfully added, FALSE if otherwise */ public static function addTween ():Boolean { if (arguments.length < 2 || arguments[0] == undefined) return false; var rScopes:Array = new Array(); // List of objects to tween var i:Number, j:Number, istr:String, jstr:String; if (arguments[0] instanceof Array) { // The first argument is an array for (i = 0; i _tweenList[i].timeStart && p_timeStart < _tweenList[i].timeComplete) { // New time should override the old one... removedLocally = false; for (pName in _tweenList[i].properties) { if (p_properties[pName] != undefined) { // Same object, same property // Finally, remove this old tweening and use the new one if (_tweenList[i].onOverwrite != undefined) { try { _tweenList[i].onOverwrite.apply(_tweenList[i].scope, _tweenList[i].onOverwriteParams); } catch(e:Error) { handleError(_tweenList[i], e, "onOverwrite"); } } _tweenList[i].properties[pName] = undefined; delete _tweenList[i].properties[pName]; removedLocally = true; removed = true; } } if (removedLocally) { // Verify if this can be deleted if (AuxFunctions.getObjectLength(_tweenList[i].properties) == 0) removeTweenByIndex(i); } } } } return removed; } /** * Remove tweenings from a given object from the tweening list * * @param p_tween Object Object that must have its tweens removed * @param (2nd-last params) Object Property(ies) that must be removed * @return Boolean Whether or not it successfully removed this tweening */ public static function removeTweens (p_scope:Object):Boolean { // Create the property list var properties:Array = new Array(); var i:Number; for (i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (typeof(arguments[i]) == "string" && !AuxFunctions.isInArray(arguments[i], properties)) properties.push(arguments[i]); } // Call the affect function on the specified properties return affectTweens(removeTweenByIndex, p_scope, properties); } /** * Remove all tweenings from the engine * * @return Boolean Whether or not it successfully removed a tweening */ public static function removeAllTweens ():Boolean { var removed:Boolean = false; var i:Number; for (i = 0; i < _tweenList.length; i++) { removeTweenByIndex(i); removed = true; } return removed; } /** * Pause tweenings from a given object * * @param p_scope Object Object that must have its tweens paused * @param (2nd-last params) Object Property(ies) that must be paused * @return Boolean Whether or not it successfully paused something */ public static function pauseTweens (p_scope:Object):Boolean { // Create the property list var properties:Array = new Array(); var i:Number; for (i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (typeof(arguments[i]) == "string" && !AuxFunctions.isInArray(arguments[i], properties)) properties.push(arguments[i]); } // Call the affect function on the specified properties return affectTweens(pauseTweenByIndex, p_scope, properties); } /** * Pause all tweenings on the engine * * @return Boolean Whether or not it successfully paused a tweening */ public static function pauseAllTweens ():Boolean { var paused:Boolean = false; var i:Number; for (i = 0; i < _tweenList.length; i++) { pauseTweenByIndex(i); paused = true; } return paused; } /** * Resume tweenings from a given object * * @param p_scope Object Object that must have its tweens resumed * @param (2nd-last params) Object Property(ies) that must be resumed * @return Boolean Whether or not it successfully resumed something */ public static function resumeTweens (p_scope:Object):Boolean { // Create the property list var properties:Array = new Array(); var i:Number; for (i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (typeof(arguments[i]) == "string" && !AuxFunctions.isInArray(arguments[i], properties)) properties.push(arguments[i]); } // Call the affect function on the specified properties return affectTweens(resumeTweenByIndex, p_scope, properties); } /** * Resume all tweenings on the engine * * @return Boolean Whether or not it successfully resumed a tweening */ public static function resumeAllTweens ():Boolean { var resumed:Boolean = false; var i:Number; for (i = 0; i < _tweenList.length; i++) { resumeTweenByIndex(i); resumed = true; } return resumed; } /** * Do some generic action on specific tweenings (pause, resume, remove, more?) * * @param p_function Function Function to run on the tweenings that match * @param p_scope Object Object that must have its tweens affected by the function * @param p_properties Array Array of strings that must be affected * @return Boolean Whether or not it successfully affected something */ private static function affectTweens (p_affectFunction:Function, p_scope:Object, p_properties:Array):Boolean { var affected:Boolean = false; var i:Number; if (!_tweenList) return false; for (i = 0; i < _tweenList.length; i++) { if (_tweenList[i].scope == p_scope) { if (p_properties.length == 0) { // Can affect everything p_affectFunction(i); affected = true; } else { // Must check whether this tween must have specific properties affected var affectedProperties:Array = new Array(); var j:Number; for (j = 0; j < p_properties.length; j++) { if (_tweenList[i].properties[p_properties[j]] != undefined) { affectedProperties.push(p_properties[j]); } } if (affectedProperties.length > 0) { // This tween has some properties that need to be affected var objectProperties:Number = AuxFunctions.getObjectLength(_tweenList[i].properties); if (objectProperties == affectedProperties.length) { // The list of properties is the same as all properties, so affect it all p_affectFunction(i); affected = true; } else { // The properties are mixed, so split the tween and affect only certain specific properties var slicedTweenIndex:Number = splitTweens(i, affectedProperties); p_affectFunction(slicedTweenIndex); affected = true; } } } } } return affected; } /** * Splits a tweening in two * * @param p_tween Number Object that must have its tweens split * @param p_properties Array Array of strings containing the list of properties that must be separated * @return Number The index number of the new tween */ public static function splitTweens (p_tween:Number, p_properties:Array):Number { // First, duplicates var originalTween:TweenListObj = _tweenList[p_tween]; var newTween:TweenListObj = originalTween.clone(false); // Now, removes tweenings where needed var i:Number; var pName:String; // Removes the specified properties from the old one for (i = 0; i < p_properties.length; i++) { pName = p_properties[i]; if (originalTween.properties[pName] != undefined) { originalTween.properties[pName] = undefined; delete originalTween.properties[pName]; } } // Removes the unspecified properties from the new one var found:Boolean; for (pName in newTween.properties) { found = false; for (i = 0; i < p_properties.length; i++) { if (p_properties[i] == pName) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { newTween.properties[pName] = undefined; delete newTween.properties[pName]; } } // If there are empty property lists, a cleanup is done on the next updateTweens() cycle _tweenList.push(newTween); return (_tweenList.length - 1); } // ================================================================================================================================== // ENGINE functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Updates all existing tweenings * * @return Boolean FALSE if no update was made because there's no tweening (even delayed ones) */ private static function updateTweens ():Boolean { if (_tweenList.length == 0) return false; var i:Number; for (i = 0; i < _tweenList.length; i++) { // Looping throught each Tweening and updating the values accordingly if (!_tweenList[i].isPaused) { if (!updateTweenByIndex(i)) removeTweenByIndex(i); if (_tweenList[i] == null) { removeTweenByIndex(i, true); i--; } } } return true; } /** * Remove an specific tweening from the tweening list * * @param p_tween Number Index of the tween to be removed on the tweenings list * @return Boolean Whether or not it successfully removed this tweening */ public static function removeTweenByIndex (p_tween:Number, p_finalRemoval:Boolean):Boolean { _tweenList[p_tween] = null; if (p_finalRemoval) _tweenList.splice(p_tween, 1); return true; } /** * Pauses an specific tween * * @param p_tween Number Index of the tween to be paused * @return Boolean Whether or not it successfully paused this tweening */ public static function pauseTweenByIndex (p_tween:Number):Boolean { var tTweening:Object = _tweenList[p_tween]; // Shortcut to this tweening if (tTweening == null || tTweening.isPaused) return false; tTweening.timePaused = _currentTime; tTweening.isPaused = true; return true; } /** * Resumes an specific tween * * @param p_tween Number Index of the tween to be resumed * @return Boolean Whether or not it successfully resumed this tweening */ public static function resumeTweenByIndex (p_tween:Number):Boolean { var tTweening:Object = _tweenList[p_tween]; // Shortcut to this tweening if (tTweening == null || !tTweening.isPaused) return false; tTweening.timeStart += _currentTime - tTweening.timePaused; tTweening.timeComplete += _currentTime - tTweening.timePaused; tTweening.timePaused = undefined; tTweening.isPaused = false; return true; } /** * Updates an specific tween * * @param i Number Index (from the tween list) of the tween that should be updated * @return Boolean FALSE if it's already finished and should be deleted, TRUE if otherwise */ private static function updateTweenByIndex (i:Number):Boolean { var tTweening:Object = _tweenList[i]; // Shortcut to this tweening if (tTweening == null || !tTweening.scope) return false; var isOver:Boolean = false; // Whether or not it's over the update time var mustUpdate:Boolean; // Whether or not it should be updated (skipped if false) var nv:Number; // New value for each property var t:Number; // current time (frames, seconds) var b:Number; // beginning value var c:Number; // change in value var d:Number; // duration (frames, seconds) var pName:String; // Property name, used in loops // Shortcut stuff for speed var tScope:Object; // Current scope var tProperty:Object; // Property being checked if (_currentTime >= tTweening.timeStart) { // Can already start tScope = tTweening.scope; if (tTweening.isCaller) { // It's a 'caller' tween do { t = ((tTweening.timeComplete - tTweening.timeStart)/tTweening.count) * (tTweening.timesCalled+1); b = tTweening.timeStart; c = tTweening.timeComplete - tTweening.timeStart; d = tTweening.timeComplete - tTweening.timeStart; nv = tTweening.transition(t, b, c, d); if (_currentTime >= nv) { if (tTweening.onUpdate != undefined) { try { tTweening.onUpdate.apply(tScope, tTweening.onUpdateParams); } catch(e:Error) { handleError(tTweening, e, "onUpdate"); } } tTweening.timesCalled++; if (tTweening.timesCalled >= tTweening.count) { isOver = true; break; } if (tTweening.waitFrames) break; } } while (_currentTime >= nv); } else { // It's a normal transition tween mustUpdate = tTweening.skipUpdates < 1 || tTweening.skipUpdates == undefined || tTweening.updatesSkipped >= tTweening.skipUpdates; if (_currentTime >= tTweening.timeComplete) { isOver = true; mustUpdate = true; } if (!tTweening.hasStarted) { // First update, read all default values (for proper filter tweening) if (tTweening.onStart != undefined) { try { tTweening.onStart.apply(tScope, tTweening.onStartParams); } catch(e:Error) { handleError(tTweening, e, "onStart"); } } for (pName in tTweening.properties) { var pv:Number = getPropertyValue (tScope, pName); tTweening.properties[pName].valueStart = isNaN(pv) ? tTweening.properties[pName].valueComplete : pv; } mustUpdate = true; tTweening.hasStarted = true; } if (mustUpdate) { for (pName in tTweening.properties) { tProperty = tTweening.properties[pName]; if (isOver) { // Tweening time has finished, just set it to the final value nv = tProperty.valueComplete; } else { if (tProperty.hasModifier) { // Modified t = _currentTime - tTweening.timeStart; d = tTweening.timeComplete - tTweening.timeStart; nv = tTweening.transition(t, 0, 1, d); nv = tProperty.modifierFunction(tProperty.valueStart, tProperty.valueComplete, nv, tProperty.modifierParameters); } else { // Normal update t = _currentTime - tTweening.timeStart; b = tProperty.valueStart; c = tProperty.valueComplete - tProperty.valueStart; d = tTweening.timeComplete - tTweening.timeStart; nv = tTweening.transition(t, b, c, d); } } if (tTweening.rounded) nv = Math.round(nv); setPropertyValue(tScope, pName, nv); } tTweening.updatesSkipped = 0; if (tTweening.onUpdate != undefined) { try { tTweening.onUpdate.apply(tScope, tTweening.onUpdateParams); } catch(e:Error) { handleError(tTweening, e, "onUpdate"); } } } else { tTweening.updatesSkipped++; } } if (isOver && tTweening.onComplete != undefined) { try { tTweening.onComplete.apply(tScope, tTweening.onCompleteParams); } catch(e:Error) { handleError(tTweening, e, "onComplete"); } } return (!isOver); } // On delay, hasn't started, so return true return (true); } /** * Initiates the Tweener. Should only be ran once */ private static function init():Void { _inited = true; // Registers all default equations _transitionList = new Object(); Equations.init(); // Registers all default special properties _specialPropertyList = new Object(); _specialPropertyModifierList = new Object(); _specialPropertySplitterList = new Object(); SpecialPropertiesDefault.init(); } /** * Adds a new function to the available transition list "shortcuts" * * @param p_name String Shorthand transition name * @param p_function Function The proper equation function */ public static function registerTransition(p_name:String, p_function:Function): Void { if (!_inited) init(); _transitionList[p_name] = p_function; } /** * Adds a new special property to the available special property list. * * @param p_name Name of the "special" property. * @param p_getFunction Function that gets the value. * @param p_setFunction Function that sets the value. */ public static function registerSpecialProperty(p_name:String, p_getFunction:Function, p_setFunction:Function, p_parameters:Array): Void { if (!_inited) init(); var sp:SpecialProperty = new SpecialProperty(p_getFunction, p_setFunction, p_parameters); _specialPropertyList[p_name] = sp; } /** * Adds a new special property modifier to the available modifier list. * * @param p_name Name of the "special" property modifier. * @param p_modifyFunction Function that modifies the value. * @param p_getFunction Function that gets the value. */ public static function registerSpecialPropertyModifier(p_name:String, p_modifyFunction:Function, p_getFunction:Function): Void { if (!_inited) init(); var spm:SpecialPropertyModifier = new SpecialPropertyModifier(p_modifyFunction, p_getFunction); _specialPropertyModifierList[p_name] = spm; } /** * Adds a new special property splitter to the available splitter list. * * @param p_name Name of the "special" property splitter. * @param p_splitFunction Function that splits the value. */ public static function registerSpecialPropertySplitter(p_name:String, p_splitFunction:Function, p_parameters:Array): Void { if (!_inited) init(); var sps:SpecialPropertySplitter = new SpecialPropertySplitter(p_splitFunction, p_parameters); _specialPropertySplitterList[p_name] = sps; } /** * Starts the Tweener class engine. It is supposed to be running every time a tween exists */ private static function startEngine():Void { _engineExists = true; _tweenList = new Array(); var randomDepth:Number = Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999); var fmc:MovieClip = _root.createEmptyMovieClip(getControllerName(), 31338+randomDepth); fmc.onEnterFrame = function() { Tweener.onEnterFrame(); }; updateTime(); } /** * Stops the Tweener class engine */ private static function stopEngine():Void { _engineExists = false; _tweenList = null; _currentTime = 0; delete _root[getControllerName()].onEnterFrame; _root[getControllerName()].removeMovieClip(); } /** * Gets a property value from an object * * @param p_obj Object Any given object * @param p_prop String The property name * @return Number The value */ private static function getPropertyValue(p_obj:Object, p_prop:String):Number { if (_specialPropertyList[p_prop] != undefined) { // Special property return _specialPropertyList[p_prop].getValue(p_obj, _specialPropertyList[p_prop].parameters); } else { // Regular property return p_obj[p_prop]; } } /** * Sets the value of an object property * * @param p_obj Object Any given object * @param p_prop String The property name * @param p_value Number The new value */ private static function setPropertyValue(p_obj:Object, p_prop:String, p_value:Number): Void { if (_specialPropertyList[p_prop] != undefined) { // Special property _specialPropertyList[p_prop].setValue(p_obj, p_value, _specialPropertyList[p_prop].parameters); } else { // Regular property p_obj[p_prop] = p_value; } } /** * Updates the time to enforce time grid-based updates */ public static function updateTime():Void { _currentTime = getTimer(); } /** * Ran once every frame. It's the main engine, updates all existing tweenings. */ public static function onEnterFrame():Void { updateTime(); var hasUpdated:Boolean = false; hasUpdated = updateTweens(); if (!hasUpdated) stopEngine(); // There's no tweening to update or wait, so it's better to stop the engine } /** * Sets the new time scale. * * @param p_time Number New time scale (0.5 = slow, 1 = normal, 2 = 2x fast forward, etc) */ public static function setTimeScale(p_time:Number):Void { var i:Number; if (isNaN(p_time)) p_time = 1; if (p_time < 0.00001) p_time = 0.00001; if (p_time != _timeScale) { // Multiplies all existing tween times accordingly for (i = 0; i<_tweenList.length; i++) { _tweenList[i].timeStart = _currentTime - ((_currentTime - _tweenList[i].timeStart) * _timeScale / p_time); _tweenList[i].timeComplete = _currentTime - ((_currentTime - _tweenList[i].timeComplete) * _timeScale / p_time); if (_tweenList[i].timePaused != undefined) _tweenList[i].timePaused = _currentTime - ((_currentTime - _tweenList[i].timePaused) * _timeScale / p_time); } // Sets the new timescale value (for new tweenings) _timeScale = p_time; } } // ================================================================================================================================== // AUXILIARY functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Finds whether or not an object has any tweening * * @param p_scope Object Target object * @return Boolean Whether or not there's a tweening occuring on this object (paused, delayed, or active) */ public static function isTweening(p_scope:Object):Boolean { var i:Number; for (i = 0; i<_tweenList.length; i++) { if (_tweenList[i].scope == p_scope) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Return an array containing a list of the properties being tweened for this object * * @param p_scope Object Target object * @return Array List of strings with properties being tweened (including delayed or paused) */ public static function getTweens(p_scope:Object):Array { var i:Number; var pName:String; var tList:Array = new Array(); for (i = 0; i<_tweenList.length; i++) { if (_tweenList[i].scope == p_scope) { for (pName in _tweenList[i].properties) tList.push(pName); } } return tList; } /** * Return the number of properties being tweened for this object * * @param p_scope Object Target object * @return Number Total count of properties being tweened (including delayed or paused) */ public static function getTweenCount(p_scope:Object):Number { var i:Number; var c:Number = 0; for (i = 0; i<_tweenList.length; i++) { if (_tweenList[i].scope == p_scope) { c += AuxFunctions.getObjectLength(_tweenList[i].properties); } } return c; } /* Handles errors when Tweener executes any callbacks (onStart, onUpdate, etc) * If the TweenListObj specifies an onError callback it well get called, passing the Error object and the current scope as parameters. If no onError callback is specified, it will trace a stackTrace. */ private static function handleError(pTweening : Object, pError : Error, pCallBackName : String) : Void{ // do we have an error handler? if (pTweening.onError != undefined && typeof(pTweening.onError == "function")){ // yup, there's a handler. Wrap this in a try catch in case the onError throws an error itself. try{ pTweening.onError.apply(pTweening.scope, [pTweening.scope, pError]); }catch (metaError : Error){ trace("## [Tweener] Error: " + pTweening.scope.toString() + " raised an error while executing the 'onError' handler. Original error:\n " + pError + "\nonError error: " + metaError); } }else{ // if handler is undefied or null trace the error message (allows empty onErro's to ignore errors) if (pTweening.onError == undefined){ trace("## [Tweener] Error: " + pTweening.scope.toString() + " raised an error while executing the '" + pCallBackName.toString() + "'handler. \n" + pError ); } } } /** * Return the current tweener version * * @return String The number of the current Tweener version */ public static function getVersion():String { return "AS2 1.26.62"; } /** * Return the name for the controller movieclip * * @return String The number of the current Tweener version */ public static function getControllerName():String { return "__tweener_controller__"+Tweener.getVersion(); } // ================================================================================================================================== // DEBUG functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public static function debug_getList():String { var ttl:String = ""; var i:Number; var pName:String; for (i = 0; i<_tweenList.length; i++) { ttl += "["+i+"] ::\n"; for (pName in _tweenList[i].properties) { ttl += " " + pName +" -> " + _tweenList[i].properties[pName].valueComplete + "\n"; } } return ttl; } }