
Central High choirs perform sweet concerts

Disney and Desserts program raises money for Washington D.C. performance in May

By Carol South
Herald contributing writer

Classic childhood tunes, toothsome treats and the nation's capital are a winning mix for the Traverse City Central High School Chorale and Choral-Aires.

Launching the second annual Disney and Desserts program on January 31 for a three-show run, the singers are raising money for a May trip to Washington D.C.

The three consecutive evening performances at the Faith Reformed Church will feature solos, small group ensembles as well as numbers by the full Chorale and the 16-member Choral-Aires. Each night will feature about two dozen acts with a different line up of small group and solo numbers.

A dessert reception afterwards rounds out the evening, whose proceeds help defray the costs for the 52 Chorale members planning to sing in the National Memorial Day Choral Festival.

Featuring costumes, beloved songs and characteristic high-energy performances, the event is geared to all ages.

"[Disney and Desserts] is the perfect venue to bring the family, better than going to the movies,” said Tami Grove, choral director at Central High School.

Reprising the wildly popular Disney and Desserts is one of the year's highlights for participants.

"We got such a good response last year people were asking us all year if we were going to do it again,” said Jessie Elliott, a senior who will sing two songs from "Beauty and the Beast.” "So we decided it has to be an annual thing.”

Grove presided over packed auditions around the holidays, having to turn away students because of the show's time constraints. Since then, the students have worked hard on their own to learn and rehearse the solo and small group numbers.

"Just the preparation and seeing kids take their own music and putting their own creativity into it, they grow musically,” she said.

Students teamed up in duets or other small ensembles or crafted their own solo act, often picking a cherished tune.

"'Hakuna Matata' has always been my favorite song and 'Lion King' has always been my favorite Disney show,” said junior Duncan Cooper, part of a trio with classmates Craig Manning and Michael Leigh. Last year, Disney and Desserts raised about $7,000 over two nights, providing a huge boost for the Choral-Aires 2007 performance trip to New York City.

The expanded format to three nights in 2008 is part response to audience demand and part hoping to generate more funds for the May trip featuring a larger group. Other fund raising efforts to support the four-day trip to Washington D.C. have included a cookie dough sale, passing a basket at concerts and obtaining sponsorships.

"Each person has their own fund raising goal and if we make more we help others,” said Leah Ferguson, a senior at the school.

The Central High School Chorale was selected not only to perform in the National Memorial Day Choral Festival, but as one of only four featured ensembles in the nation. Grove sent an audition tape last spring and learned in the summer that the ensemble had been accepted.

"I didn't find out we were one of the featured ones until this October,” she said.

With the other assembled high school singers, the Central Chorale will also have the chance to work with renowned choral composer Andre Thomas. Students will sing one of his songs and he will conduct a piece by Randall Thompson. The estimated 400 students gathered for the festival will also join voices to sing an arrangement of "American the Beautiful.”

"It's so fantastic, I'm so excited,” said Elliott of the trip.

Disney and Desserts performances will be held on Thursday, January 31, Friday, February 1 and Saturday, February 2, at 7 p.m. at the Faith Reformed Church, 1139 E. Front St. Tickets are $8 each and include a dessert reception. They may be purchased from the Central High School box office, 933-3573, or from a cast member.