
Young singer kicks off music series

Rachel Borovik presents original compositions at Gallerie Medici

By Carol South
Herald contributing writer

A promising young singer and songwriter kicks off a new monthly music series at the Gallerie Medici downtown this Saturday night.

A senior at Interlochen Arts Academy, Rachel Borovik's smooth voice, elegant style, complex music and insightful lyrics belie her 17 years of age.

Borovik will present an hour of original compositions, a debut featuring pieces from among the 50 in her repertoire she is ready to share. The program will be just her and a piano, playing music she describes as a crossover between jazz and pop. A special guest, her jazz teacher and esteemed mentor, Jeff Haas, may stop by.

The evening will highlight Borovik's unique sound that, while still developing, springs from a substantial depth of talent.

"Every performer is always working towards their own original sound and that develops over the years,” said Borovik, who attended Traverse City West Senior High School her sophomore and junior years. "Me maturing as a person shows in my music and all the work that I put into my music. I definitely see a growth in my own style.”

Her songs and music caught the ear of Gallerie Medici owner, Cindy Carlson, this summer when Borovik appeared in town at a local gallery with other young musicians. Carlson was discouraged when background noise drowned out some of the music. After a second experience with other musicians at another mixed-use venue, she decided Traverse City needed a forum where music, and only music, was the focus.

"I think there's just incredible talent in this area that's taken for granted,” said Carlson. "With the Medici name, I plan to raise the bar here and make people understand what they have here. This gallery is almost perfectly pitched acoustically and is an elegant, intimate setting.”

Borovik has been a prolific songwriter for nearly a decade and her mother, Mary, used to pull over and jot down her daughter's musical musings on the commute to the Pathfinder School, afraid the words would be forgotten. She has not slowed her production in the interim.

"Songwriting is definitely a way to express myself,” Borovik said. "I'm not a real emotional person but I consider myself a deep person and that's definitely a part of me.”

Borovik, who works with Haas to improve her compositions, praised him for guiding her to improve songs while keeping them firmly in her creative sphere. She also participated in Haas' Live! At the Library Composers series last spring, where he guided a dozen young musicians both individually and in ensembles.

"Composition comes pretty naturally to me but then I'll go back and critique it, which isn't as natural,” she added.

Borovik transferred to Willow Hill Elementary School in the fifth grade and throughout her subsequent years in the TCAPS system pursued music passionately, both at school and with private teachers. Sports kept her in the public school system until this year, when she was finally ready to give up basketball and soccer.

The journey to Interlochen may have taken years after summer camp sparked a dream of attending full time, but the vibrant campus quickly became home.

"It's really inspirational being around people that music is their life,” said Borovik, noting the students of all disciplines "beam off” one another's creativity. "It's nice to be around people who understand the passion because not everyone understands the dedication and love.”

A classical voice major, Borovik's senior year finds her on the cusp of an important decision: jazz or classical. Both intense disciplines requiring specialization, or so everyone tells her. Loving both formats, Borovik anguishes over a choice that will drive her career.

"I would really like to go to New York City, the New School of Music,” she said, although wavering, of a school that would allow her to pursue jazz and contemporary music.

Rachel Borovik will sing on Saturday night, October 6, at 8 p.m. at the Gallerie Medici. 535 W. Front St.; admission is $10 per person.