
School serves up feast for area seniors

Westwoods staff and students offer Thanksgiving meal for senior citizens

By Lisa Perkins
Herald staff writer

What started 17 years ago as a gesture to thank local community members, Westwoods Elementary School's annual Thanksgiving dinner for seniors has become a much anticipated annual event.

"I look forward to the interaction between the kids and the grandparents that attend, it is really fun,” said Edie Wheaton, Westwoods food service leader and kitchen coordinator for the traditional turkey dinner.

"Larry Dobler, the principal at the time, wanted to give back to the community for all the support they give the school,” said Wheaton, "so he started the Thanksgiving dinner for students' grandparents and other seniors in the community.”

This year more than 250 were on hand to partake in the feast that included roast turkey and all the trimmings, funded by the Westwoods PTO.

From Kindergarten and first-grade students decorating place mats, second and third-graders making turkey centerpieces, fourth and fifth-graders decorating and setting up tables to sixth-grade students serving during the dinner, students from each grade level did their part to prepare for the event.

"Each class chips in, they all have something to contribute,” said Sander Scott, who was happy to be able to participate in his first year as principal at Westwoods.

"This is truly an intergenerational event,” Scott said.

Peggy Witkop of Interlochen and grandmother of Westwoods sixth-grade student Mallory Heiges was thrilled to be able to attend the dinner at her granddaughter's school.

"I think this is absolutely great. The students learn how to help someone else and use manners and respect. I just love it,” Witkop noted.