
Students show off creative sides

NMC art competition features 174 pieces in a range of media

By Carol South
Herald contributing writer

Showcasing the best and most creative high school artists in the five-county region, the Northwestern Michigan College Annual Regional High School Art Competition features 174 pieces of a range of media.

The show's opening reception Friday evening drew 35 attendees, most artists, family members and area art teachers, who slowly wandered the halls of the Fine Arts building admiring and being inspired.

"There's some really amazing work here, I was shocked at the quality,” said Jacob Bottomley, a senior from Cadillac High School who took first place in the Photography category.

Other categories for the show included Drawing/Illustration/Printmaking, Painting, Jewelry, Ceramics/Sculpture and Digital Media. Doug Domine, chair of the college's art department, noted that the show drew 429 entries from 15 schools. Jurors selected 174 pieces for the show, choosing first, second, third and honorable mentions in each category.

"It was a very tough show as usual, a lot of good art,” said Domine, adding praise to regional art teachers: "We love this show because it's a great way to acknowledge what you're doing.”

The awards ceremony began with the showing of five entries in the Digital Media category, a slice of the show swept by students from Ellsworth High School. After then giving out ribbons and promising to mail checks to winners — $75 for first place, $50 for second and $35 for third — attendees again trickled into the hallways to view the pieces. The best of show winner, Eric Harman of Interlochen Arts Academy, received a $100 award for his entry in the Ceramics/Sculpture category.

Bottomley's stark and crisp photograph of a leaf in ice, shot in black and white, embodied both artistic and technical merit. Growing more serious about pursuing a career related to photography, Bottomley appreciates the creative expression the camera provides, especially with the natural subjects he favors.

"It's amazing what happens in nature, we don't notice a lot,” he said. "I also like cityscapes and unique structures and I've been working in animation and graphic arts, collage work.”

Ashley Kolodziej, a senior at Traverse City West Senior High School, attended the event with her family to celebrate her second place finish and check out the other pieces on display. Kolodziej entered two works but only her mixed media drawing juried in, gaining honors in the Drawing/Illustration/Printmaking category.

"This was my first time, I didn't really expect it — it's pretty cool,” she said. "There's some amazing stuff here.”

Winding up her year in AP art, Kolodziej is finishing her portfolio for the program, a college-level selection of her work created over the past year. She focused on downtown Traverse City this year and her work in the show resulted from some digital photos she took there.

"I love art, I want to do it as a career if I can but I want something to fall back on,” she noted. "I do all kinds of art, I'm willing to try anything.”

Among the high school art teachers on hand, satisfaction ran high as they viewed the talent on display.

"I think it's amazing,” said Lisa Peoples, an art teacher at West High School. "I remember back to when I was in high school and there was quality work but I don't remember it being this high quality.”

"It seems like every year it gets better and better,” she added of the show.

The Northwestern Michigan College Annual Regional High School Art Competition show is on display in the Fine Arts Building on campus through March 25. Public hours are Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. until 10 p.m., Friday from 7:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. and on Saturday and Sunday from noon until 6 p.m.