
Parents rally to save school from closing

Acme community members paint cars, signs in show of support for Bertha Vos Elementary School

Herald staff writer

Parents of the Bertha Vos Elementary School neighborhood are not willing to see their community school face closure without making their feelings of concern known.

Members of the Save Bertha Vos Committee, along with students of the school located in Acme Township, gathered Sunday to paint cars with messages supporting Bertha Vos and encouraging the Traverse City Area Public School Board to accept their recommendation to keep the school open.

Bertha Vos is one of three schools, including Norris Elementary and Glenn Loomis, the TCAPS Board of Education has recommended for closure in the fall of 2008.

Terri Waugh, parent of a fifth-grade and kindergarten student at Bertha Vos, was one of the concerned parents who came out to the Bayview Inn to support her community.

"This is not just about Bertha Vos, but about the Traverse City community in general. This is not a one school issue because three are being closed,” said Waugh.

Along with painting vehicles with messages to the board, community members are placing yard signs and posters throughout the city to garner support for their quest to have the school board reconsider the closing, not only of Bertha Vos, but to look at other cost cutting options that would eliminate the need to close any schools.

"I think it is so dramatic to close three schools. It is devastating to the community and TCAPS in general,” said Tricia Wollam, parent of a third-grade Bertha Vos student.

Dozens of cars were painted with messages including "We love our school” and "Help save Bertha Vos.” Most also included the address of the web site, www.saveberthavos.com, designed as a resource for supporters of the effort, listing ways for community members to become involved in the grass-roots effort.

"We are trying everything we can to get the message out there,” said Waugh.