
Historical society sheds light on vault updates

Grand Traverse Pioneer and Historical Society holds public open house this Thursday at Grand Traverse Heritage Center

Herald staff writer

More than 15,000 photographs and documents illustrating the history of the Grand Traverse region are housed in the archival vault of the Grand Traverse Pioneer and Historical Society. Thanks to some newly installed technology, those resources are now at the fingertips of researchers and novice historians alike.

"This is a launch into a new phase of professionalism for our society,” said archivist, Peg Siciliano as she prepared for an open house featuring the group's newly refurbished archival vault and workrooms.

The open house, to be held at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, will follow the group's 7 p.m. annual business meeting at the Grand Traverse Heritage Center. Tours of the facility will include explanations of what is housed in the archival vault, how it is protected and how it can be used.

"We have people come in that ask about their historical home - who the previous owners were, plans and descriptions of the property,” said Siciliano, noting that developers, genealogists, fiction and historical writers also make use of the collection.

That collection, amassed over the past 25 years, has been indexed and can be accessed using newly installed computer software.

"Major indexing of thousands of paper manuscripts and photographs can be searched for using keywords. Finding items won't be totally dependent on the knowledge of volunteers,” said Siciliano, adding that the dozens of volunteers have been priceless for their knowledge and dedication to the project.

"Volunteers over the last decades have done a wonderful job, but this is a perfect time for things to move forward even faster than they have before,” she said, noting that the Society has received some sizable donations over the last few years that allowed for the updates.

Siciliano, the Society's only paid employee, credits the volunteers with the current state of the collection.

"The Historical Society inherited a large part of the collection from the Pioneer Study Center, connected with Pathfinder School, back in the mid '80's. Volunteers have been responsible for maintaining that collection and eventually finding it a home here in the Heritage Center,” Siciliano said.

The Grand Traverse Pioneer and Historical Society archival vault and workroom are housed in the Grand Traverse Heritage Center, 322 Sixth St., in Traverse City. For more information, call 995-0313.