
Funday Sunday draws in kids

Cartooning seminar kicks off series at Children's Museum

Herald staff writer

When Dick Evans shares his knowledge of cartooning, he also imparts a fair amount of confidence building skills to the youngsters who participate in his seminars.

Evans, a retired insurance agent and avid cartoonist, presented two 45 minute cartooning workshops during the Great Lakes Children's Museum Funday Sunday program last weekend.

"There are no rules, no wrong way to do this,” said Evans, as he showed the step by step process he uses to bring a character to life.

Evans took requests from the audience who selected eyes, ears, mouth, hair and noses from a variety of choices offered in a booklet Evans provided.

The children, who were encouraged to draw along with Evans, each came up with a similar but unique character.

"You have to celebrate the differences, that is what makes each character your own,” noted Evans, as he explained how using certain features determines the personality of a character.

"Eyes are the most important part for showing expression and the mouth expression equals the emotion,” said Evans who encouraged simplicity in cartoon drawing.

"Sometimes simple is better, like using stick figures for basic positioning. You have no idea how good you can be, just keep practicing,” Evans said.

Seven-year-old Teddy McKay, who attended the program with his father, already practices drawing his favorite cartoon character, "Sponge Bob Square Pants.” With a little coaxing from Evans, the youngster showed off his cartooning skills, drawing his favorite underwater character in front of the class.

"It is really fun to draw, I like it,” said McKay, whose father noted that he gets his drawing skills from his mother.

"The workshop was fun. This is something we can all do together as a family,” Doug McKay said.

The cartooning seminar was part of the Great Lakes Children's Museum ongoing Funday Sunday series. For more information on upcoming events, call 932-4526.