
Residents eat up Sleddi-Spaghetti offerings

Event featuring sleds, spaghetti and auction raises funds for Long Lake library project

By Carol South
Herald contributing writer

Sledding-Spaghetting. Not quite…

Sleddi-Spaghetti — that's it! A winning name for a winning event as Long Lake Township and the Friends of the Traverse Area District Library — Long Lake Branch hosted a gathering Sunday afternoon at Twin Lakes Park featuring sleds, spaghetti, stories and a silent auction. The event raised $1,500 for the Long Lake Branch project, which is again gaining steam again in the community.

Despite the heavy snow, or maybe because of it, an estimated 300 people of all ages attended the Third Annual Sleddi-Spaghetti. Children zoomed down the park's hills in a free-for-all of fun before taking a spin in a homemade cardboard during a competition. Entries ranged from the simple to the complex with coordinating costume while Nancy Plummer of Moomer's Ice Cream donned a cow costume to judge categories including silliest and fastest.

"I went down the hill, I like the big bump the best,” said Payton Bramer, 9, a birthday girl that day. "This was my first time sledding ever.”

Payton attended the event with her parents and four siblings, her mother grateful for the range of activities that kept all her children interested.

"My youngest is listening to the stories, he's happy, and there's crafts and sledding,” Kristin Bramer said. "We came for dinner here and I don't have to clean up.”

Gilbert Lodge provided a dry, warm haven between sledding runs, snowshoeing and cross country skiing. Volunteers inside hosted a craft table, board games were available at another and Traverse City West Senior High School athletes read stories to children in front of a crackling fire. Complimentary hot cocoa and cookies, free books for children and a silent auction rounded out the event.

About 200 people stayed for dinner, filling up on spaghetti, garlic bread and salad, plus a desert of Moomer's ice cream.

"It was just amazing that the weather didn't keep people away, this was definitely our most successful year so far,” said Suzanne VanderKlipp, coordinator of the Sleddi-Spaghetti event and a volunteer with the Friends of the Traverse Area District Library — Long Lake Branch project.

"I just think everybody had a blast,” she added. "Seeing those kid coming in with rosy cheeks from sledding and then sitting by the fire with their hot chocolate and then going out for more — it was an all-American, apple pie community event.”

After a nine-year run in the community, a failed millage effort last year shuttered the Long Lake Reading Room, which had provided a small lending library and a weekly story program for children. Three events hosted by Long Lake Branch project volunteers last summer drew large and enthusiastic crowds. This demonstrated community interest in a local branch library to volunteers, residents, township officials and Friends of the Traverse Area District Library members.

With these successes, a modest plan for a building adjacent to the township offices is again on deck and Long Lake Library project volunteers plan to kick off a capital campaign this spring. Funds from previous grassroots efforts over the past ten years to build a library will be rolled into this new one. VanderKlipp also noted that volunteers would also explore matching grants and other funding sources.

"We're definitely gaining momentum and we're really hoping to hit the capital campaign,” she said.

Research by Mark VanderKlipp showed that the township, which has a growing population and features many young families and retirees, is the only community surrounding Traverse City without a library. A library could serve as a community center for all ages in the community.

"We don't have a downtown so we try to find ways that we can get families involved,” said Tina Allen, treasurer for the township, which hosts a number of community events annually besides Sleddi-Spaghetti. "We are a community of young families and we're just trying to keep them happy families and give them places to go to do things together.”

The Friends of the Traverse Area District Library — Long Lake Branch project will host a book and rummage sale on April 21-22 and is accepting donations. Call VanderKlipp for more information at 275-5166.