
Beach Bums seeking host families

Baseball players stay with area residents during 2007 season

Herald staff writer

Kristi Jorns can't wait for the Traverse City Beach Bums to begin spring training. Though Jorns had never been a big sports fan, she and her family took a personal interest in the Beach Bums during last year's inaugural season when they hosted pitcher Jordan Thompson.

"My husband Jake and I thought it would be cool to be part of it. Hosting a player turned out to be absolutely wonderful, more than we had ever imagined,” said Jorns, who lives near Wuerfel Park, home field for the Beach Bums.

"Jordan became part of the family. It was such an easy transition, my two kids just loved him,” said Jorns who plans to host a new player during the upcoming season.

The Jorns family is not the only host family eager to welcome another player into their home.

All but one of last years host families have committed for another year according to Beach Bums director of operations Aaron Studebaker.

"We are, however, still looking for host families who are willing to make the commitment, especially during the training camp period from May 7 to the 22nd when we will have 34 players on the roster,” said Studebaker, adding that only 24 players will be on the official roster when the Frontier League season begins May 25.

Bud Helmreich of Grawn, who hosted outfielder Al Roach last season, hesitated when deciding to make the commitment for another year.

"I wasn't sure I wanted to do this again, but it didn't take me long to come to the decision that the experience was well worth the time commitment” said Helmreich, a teacher at Trinity Lutheran School in Traverse City.

"Al and I became good friends and have stayed in contact,” said Helmreich who also kept in touch with other host families over the off season.

"You sit by other host families all during the season and friendships remain. We have stayed in touch and got together a couple of times through the winter. I have met people that I never would have had the opportunity to otherwise,” Helmreich said.

Helmreich, the Jorns family and the rest of the Beach Bum host families will meet the player who will spend the season in their home during a meet and greet barbecue dinner held by the Beach Bum organization on May 7.

For more information on becoming a Traverse City Beach Bum host family, call Aaron Studebaker at 943-0100 or e-mail aaron@tcbeachbums.com.