
Sound of music at Central

CHS students share stage with younger singers in fall musical

By Carol South
Herald contributing writer

A dozen elementary and junior high school students will be taking the stage with a cast of high school singers during Central High School's annual musical.

The two-week run of the "Sound of Music” features students in grades four through nine in some of the production's choicest roles as the von Trapp children. The girls in that central family are double cast while the two boys are in all productions.

On stage for most of the play, these students will get a taste of performing acclaim usually reserved for singers years older.

"It's really exciting because I don't think a lot of kids my age get this opportunity,” said Rachel Creamer, a fourth-grade student at Eastern Elementary School.

A handful of ninth-grade students are getting a sneak preview of their lives next fall when they join the high school choral program as sophomores. Experienced singers who have participated in choir throughout junior high school, they are taking it to the next level a year early.

"It's really exciting to see what choir is going to be like next year,” said Sarah Mikulski, a ninth-grade student at East Junior High.

Then there's the dancing and acting "” another stretch for the younger cast.

"Memorizing all the lines, that wasn't a problem but it's the music and the choreography that was hard,” said Ivan Suminski, a fifth-grade student in Central's TAG program. "A lot of the little kids have more lines than the bigger kids.”

Even experienced dancers are adding to their skill set as they learn to vocalize while moving.

"Dancing and singing together takes practice,” noted Rebecca Dancer, a veteran dancer and a ninth-grade student at East Junior High School. "It helps to have a dancing background.”

First-year choral director Tami Grove held an open audition for students in elementary and junior high school grades. She limited it to east side schools in the Traverse City Area Public Schools District because "otherwise it would have gone on for two weeks,” she noted, acknowledging the many talented students in the district.

Grove, who came through the district's choral program and is a 1999 Traverse City West High School graduate, is thrilled to present her first annual musical "” one of the highlights of the music department's offerings every year.

She also acknowledges that her plan to include younger singers in the cast is her way of sowing seeds for the future high school musicals. Tapping "Sound of Music,” with its plethora of von Trapp family children, fit perfectly with her multi-year plan.

"That was one of my reasons for choosing the show I did: to recruit for the program,” Grove said.

Incorporating the younger students into the arduous rehearsal schedule has been a challenge as the show takes shape its last week before opening night Thursday, November 9. Older students mentor younger ones while the younger ones strive to do their best in the face of greater training and vocal maturity of the high schoolers.

"It's so great for the show, a strong contrast with all the ages,” said Grove. "It's become a real family, too.”

There is a literal family connection between junior Julia Krueger and her sister, Aubrey, a fourth-grade homeschool student. Julia tipped off her sister of the audition opportunity and now the two are making memories together at school "” despite their seven-year grade difference.

"It's a lot different, the kids add a whole different aspect to it,” said Julia, noting she is enjoying the time with her sister. "We have to make sure we're good role models, too.”

For more information on times, prices or tickets to the "Sound of Music,” call the Central High School box office at 933-3573.