
Nixon's last day of school bittersweet

Deb Nixon dedicates 33 years to serving as high school secretary in Traverse City Area Public Schools

By Carol South
Herald contributing writer

One year, just before graduation, high school secretary Deb Nixon discovered that the diploma covers were wrinkled. Not a little bit furrowed but thoroughly creased.

This was in the days before the Traverse City Area Public Schools had two high schools so a senior class at Traverse City Senior High included 600, 700 or even 800 students. Undaunted by the task and determined that the day shine for students and families, Nixon took each cover off, carefully ironed it and put it back on before the ceremony.

"It was their moment and you just wanted it to be the best," said Nixon.

Personifying service, caring and dedication for 33 years in the Traverse City Area Public Schools district, Nixon is retiring Friday shortly after completing her 18th graduation.

Nixon spent the last third of her career as the right-hand of principal Joe Tibaldi of Traverse City West High School, where she helped establish the new school in 1997 and shape its staff, students and character for years to come. For the past eight years, Nixon has been the school's "go-to" person, working with students, parents, staff and teachers in her characteristic kind and efficient manner.

Teachers and staff turned out on Monday afternoon to fete her during the annual Staff Appreciation Luncheon, showering her with speeches, laughter and love — plus a hefty dose of hugs and tears.

"Even though it's one of the toughest days in 34 years of education, losing my best friend and my partner, I'm happy for her," said an emotional Joe Tibaldi. "It's very tough losing Deb but she needs to move on and have a life of her own."

"Deb is irreplaceable," continued Tibaldi. "Her calm exterior, fierce loyalty and friendship made West a great place to be."

The farewells actually began earlier this spring as school staff and teachers, former and current, inaugurated "Thirty Days of Deb." This operation brought one or more gifts to her office every morning, everything from flowers and gift certificates to garden goods and candles. A large wooden bench for her garden, handmade by a teacher, surprised her on a recent morning.

The staff also took up a collection for a gift certificate for a travel voucher plus spending money to send Nixon on a much-deserved island vacation.

"It's all just amazing, I'm overwhelmed with kindness," said Nixon, adding with a laugh: "It was kind of scary, that they would organize this without me."

Nixon began working with Tibaldi three years before West opened when he became principal of then Traverse City Senior High. She also worked with other Senior High School principals, logging 20 years with various top high school administrators. Previously, she served as secretary in human resources and to an assistant superintendent and district superintendent. She began her career as a secretary in the maintenance department in the Administration Building.

"I have friends all over the district," Nixon noted.

When her age and years of service raised the possibility of retirement this year, Nixon drew on her deep faith for guidance. She loved her varied and interesting job, interacting with nearly everyone at the large school and making sure everything ran smoothly.

But after years of logging hours well beyond the school day to get everything done — to her exacting level of satisfaction and thoroughness — Nixon was ready for a change.

"I prayed that if this was the right time, the doors would open for me — and they did," said Nixon, a Traverse City native who has a grown daughter and son-in-law, both Michigan State Troopers, and two grandsons.

For two weeks, Nixon plans to have that life of her own, reveling in her beloved garden and having family time. But after this short period of leisure, she will jump in as secretary to the administrative director of the Village at Bay Ridge.

"I've always wanted to work with senior citizens," she said. "That's my second passion."