February 15, 2006

Herald news ...
100 years ago

By Emma Jane Muir
Special to the Herald

      - The annual meeting of the Traverse City Driving Park Association held in the office of Dr. J. B. Martin Monday, brought out a full attendance of the stockholders. The matter of the organization of an agricultural fair association was presented. There is a growing demand among the better class of farmers and stock growers and also in the city among agricultural dealers and merchants that the county should hold an annual fair for the exhibition of farm products and the display of farm implements and merchandise.
      - The will of the late Michael McGarry of Keystone was filed in Probate court Tuesday, by Charles T. Cedarston, the same being witnessed by Margaret McGarry. The document is most brief and gives the entire estate, consisting of realty, to one son, Michael McGarry, Jr., the remaining heirs being allowed the lawful lowest amount of $1.
      - There will be a musical and literary entertainment at the Ogdensburg M. E. church Tuesday evening. Everybody is invited to attend this special event which will present a good variety of music and recitations.
      - On Saturday, Justice George W. Curtis united in marriage Aleria Snell of Summit City and Miss Katherine Jolly of Walton Junction in his bridal chamber in the State Bank building. They were unattended and Misses Anna Campbell and Ora Spencer legally witnessed the ceremony. The happy couple left on the 11 o'clock train for Grand Rapids.
      - Death has again entered the home of Charles Julen when the last of the little twin daughters, born about nine weeks ago, died Thursday afternoon. Mr. Julen has been greatly afflicted, death having taken his wife and little twin daughters within the past nine weeks. Funeral arrangements were in charge of Undertaker Carter.
      - J. O. Crotser of Kingsley has the rough lumber on the ground where he is about to erect a summer cottage on the north side of Rennie Lake. He has already built an ice house which is filled with ice. This will be the first building erected upon the lake, tents having always been used by those who visited its lovely shores.
      - The home of George Hazel at Bowers Harbor came near being destroyed by fire last week. The fire dropped from the chimney that was burning out onto the bed, setting it on fire and burning it quite badly.
      - The social given at the Williamsburg town hall last Wednesday evening was well attended. A short program was given and refreshments consisting of sandwiches, fried cakes, cakes and coffee were served. The receipts were $7.40 which goes toward repapering the church.
      - Miss May Galleck, a graduate nurse from Mercy Hospital, Big Rapids, lies seriously ill at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hatton on Elmwood Avenue, her illness being Bright's disease. Her condition at present has developed into blindness and though but a young girl with the brightest of futures, she bears her misfortune with the greatest fortitude.
      - The February term of Circuit court opened Monday afternoon with the reading of the calendar. Cases disposed of were: The People vs. Ray McGarry charged with burglary and The People vs. William Stafford, violation of the liquor law. Seventeen cases of issues of fact were then addressed.
      - Several cities and villages throughout the state are preparing to make use of the primary election system in advance of its introduction through the provision of the state law. All voters who desire to take part in the decision for and against the adoption of primary reform must be enrolled on the first Monday in April.
      - Advice on deportment. Give your children names that they can carry through life with propriety; names that they will cherish; names that are simple, which will look well when written and sound well when spoken.
      - Medical advice of a century ago. To treat a cough, take three yolks of a hen's eggs, three spoonfuls of honey and one of tar; beat together; add one gill of wine. Take a teaspoonful three times a day before eating.
      - Best buy of the week. White Dress Aprons, 25 cents at Brownell's.