February 1, 2006

Class fights stage fright

Extended education 'Get Into The Act' class starts Thursday

By Kristen Hains
Special to the Herald

      There's a reason why Margaret Schaal doesn't audition for theater productions. It's not stage fright or anxiety that keeps this theater veteran working behind the scenes. The problem is she can't see herself onstage. Truth be told she can't see anyone else on the stage either.
      "I can't see onstage without the glasses," Schaal said referencing her wire rims. "I've been known to fall offstage as a director. (If I auditioned) it would have to be a contemporary drama that would allow me to wear my glasses."
      So though Schaal has spent the better part of her life in the theater she prefers the view from backstage. But that hasn't stopped her from encouraging others to flex their theatrical muscles. And though her vision may be a valid excuse not to audition for onstage roles, she's hoping to help others shed their excuses for not getting involved.
      Schaal, a long-time fixture at the Old Town Playhouse, will team up with directors from the Old Town Playhouse, the Leelanau Players, Riverside Shakespeare, and the new dinner theater troupe, Theatre North. The directors will discuss and demonstrate auditioning requirements, techniques, and strategies. The class is designed to teach newcomers how to get involved in all aspects of theater.
      The class, "Get Into The Act," will be held on Thursday, Feb. 2, and is being presented through Northwestern Michigan College's Extended Education program. The class will be held from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in Beckett Room 149. The cost of the class is $25.
      The idea for the class came about following numerous conversations with other like-minded theater folks. "We sit around different places after auditions and people say 'I could never audition' and you say 'why not?'¡" Schaal said.
      She's hoping this theater class will give newcomers the opportunity to shed some of those fears and find their way to an audition.
      "I think we might have some games or activities," Schaal said of how the class will be structured. "(During the class) they're going to try out for a non-existing show. It's non-threatening because you won't get cast, if that's what you're scared of."
      So while students may not get cast in a real show at the class, Schaal is hoping that the knowledge they gain might give them the courage to give it a go at one of several upcoming auditions. She also hopes that the theory of safety in numbers may come into play.
      "I hope that maybe we can get people to have audition buddies because there are a bunch of auditions coming up," she said. "Maybe we all show up together at the auditions."
      "I hope that people would see that it isn't tough to audition," she said. "And so they know what to expect and to know that they could really just go and watch. A lot of people don't know they can just go and watch."
      Schaal said each of the four theater groups will spend about one-half hour sharing audition tips with the students in the class. Those tips will range from the simple (read the script before you audition and be familiar with what the role may require you to do) to more specific tips on what to wear to auditions (a baseball cap will cast shadows on your face).
      Armed with their newfound knowledge, students of the class will have several opportunities over the next few weeks to test the waters. Schaal suggests that students of the class might consider stopping into the Crockpot Theatre that will be held at Old Town Playhouse on Saturday, Feb. 4. Crockpot Theatre is an informal "open mic" type evening that allows performs to get up, sing a song, read a poem, tell a joke or whatever moves them.
      Once they've warmed up with Crockpot Theatre, Schaal said there are at least three auditioning opportunities in February that will allow the students to put their knowledge into action.
      The Old Town Playhouse has auditions scheduled on February 8, 13 and 20 for upcoming productions. Riverside Shakespeare generally holds auditions for their summer production some time in early April. Theatre North recently held auditions for their upcoming season.
      For more information on the class, contact the Northwestern Michigan College Extended Education office at 995-1700 or online at http:/www.nmc.edu/ees/.