
Club offers gift to kids

TC Optimist Club provides holiday shopping for area children in need

Herald staff writer

Fifty area youngsters will experience the joy of gift giving this holiday season, thanks to the Optimist Club of Traverse City.

Boys and girls selected by Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Blair Elementary, Traverse Heights Elementary and Child and Family Services were escorted through Target by club volunteers to shop for gifts for their friends and family members.

"Each child had about $75 to spend. They do shopping for their mom, dad, brother, sister, and can bring Christmas back to their family,” said Bob Simpson who helped organize the 14th annual shopping day on Saturday and Sunday.

The popularity of the program has increased over the years, growing from serving a dozen or so youth in the first year.

"Our members are glad to be able to do this. It is just a responsible thing to do,” said Scott Duensing, past president of the Optimist Club.

Club members and volunteers also helped wrap the specially selected gifts as the children got an unexpected visit from Santa.

"They are so excited that they get to do this, something that they wouldn't ordinarily be able to do,” said Melinda Gubbins, a family resource advocate at Blair Elementary.

"It is so cool to see the excitement on their faces,” Gubbins noted.