
Herald news ... 100 years ago

By Emma Jane Muir
Special to the Herald

• The Traverse Bay line has made many improvements at Marion Island. Rustic seats have been placed in four corners about the grounds and a launch dock has been built. Three rowboats have been secured for rental purposes and the bass fishing is said to be excellent.

• Mr. and Mrs. Stewart of Sharkey's Corners entertained about twenty people from the city at their home recently. The company drove from the city in rigs, spending the afternoon with the Stewarts and returning in the evening. They were entertained by a picnic on the lake shore while boating and swimming.

• A large crowd attend the religious entertainment given at St. Francis church by the Roberts Lyceum Company last evening and witnessed an attraction of very high class order. One of the chief attractions was the baritone solos by Mr. Norris, who has an exceptionally fine voice.

• A fine bundle of wheat is on exhibition in the window of the Queen City Implement Company. It was grown by Joseph Amtsbuchler and is a new variety called Longberry, never before known in this area. The bundle was one that was picked up at random, Mr. Amtsbuchler having an entire field of the same kind.

• Mr. Beason, wife and daughter of Indiana have arrived at Long Lake to spend the rest of the summer. Mr. Beason will preach at the Friends church every Sunday as long as he stays.

• The many friends of C. E. Murray will be very sorry to learn that he suffered a severe stroke of paralysis Saturday night. The stroke affected his entire right side but he is much improved today. He is able to walk and does not suffer any pain. A permanent improvement is looked for.

• Arthur Rosenthal of the Globe store entertained his employees in a most royal style Tuesday night. Early in the evening the company assembled in the furniture department of the store where games and pleasant music were enjoyed. Later, refreshments consisting of ice cream and cake were served.

• The woods of South Manitou island where the sawmill of B. J. Morgan is located, were set on fire a few days ago by men from a training ship, threatening the mill and destroying $40 worth of timber. The mill was at no time in any great danger, the fire being kept away by the plowing of furrows and stomping it at this point.

• Eight-year-old Henrietta Grelick came very near having a serious accident Tuesday afternoon. She was out driving when the horse became frightened at the train and started up quickly. The sudden jerk threw her out of the rig causing her to fall on her shoulder and resulting in a broken collar bone. She has suffered considerable pain but is recovering nicely and will be none the worse for the accident in a few weeks.

• The Misses Helen Stout, Imogene and Margaret Cameron, Delia Gillett, Florence Miller and guest, Miss Louise Shepard of Detroit, went to East Bay Monday to start a week's camp. They anticipate a very pleasant time and tomorrow evening they will entertain the east side crowd at supper.

• The Petoskey baseball team is looking for a location. The supporters of the resort city's team are running short on the hard stuff and will soon be forced to let their team go. The management would like to locate in Traverse City which certainly affords an opportunity to secure a professional team that has played good ball throughout the season if local fans can secure inducements.

• Since the recent reports regarding cleanliness in packing houses and canning factories, the local canning factory was visited this morning by a reporter from this office. He watched the work of canning beans from beginning to end and found nothing in the whole business that was unclean.

• Advice on deportment. Any number of guests can be invited to a dinner party, and if the ladies outnumber the gentlemen, it does not matter.

• Medical advice of a century ago. A warm bath, in hundreds of cases, averted and cured illness that bitter experience tells have proved fatal for the want of one.

• Best buy of the week. Easy slippers, 50 cents at A. V. Friedrich