September 28, 2005

New home field advantage

Hurricane Katrina evacuee playing on Traverse City YMCA Pop Warner football team

Herald staff writer

      Nathan Jones loves football - so it's not surprising that when his family evacuated their New Orleans home before Hurricane Katrina hit earlier this month, the items he chose to take with him were his football and cleats.
      "I told the boys they could take three days clothes and whatever else you think you will really need," said Nathan's mom, Linda Jones.
      "We thought we would be going back home in a few days but it didn't work out that way."
      With their future uncertain, the Jones family found comfort in coming to familiar surroundings in Traverse City. While Bruce Jones, a US Coast Guard helicopter pilot, remained in Louisiana to assist in recovery efforts, Linda brought their boys 16-year-old Wes, 12-year-old Nathan and nine-year-old Jake back to the town they had called home for three years prior to their move to New Orleans.
      Nathan was glad to be able to attend Traverse City East Junior High, but was disappointed that he would not be playing on the seventh-grade team he spent the summer practicing with.
      "I expected to be able to go back and play on the team there, but that didn't work out," Nathan said.
      That's when family friend and YMCA Pop Warner football coach Tom Cizek stepped in and found a spot on the Porcelain Pirates for Nathan.
      "When Tom called and explained what Nathan's situation was, we took him right in. We were glad to be able to have him play for us," said Grand Traverse YMCA Pop Warner coordinator, Barb Beckett.
      Nathan, who wears number 32 and plays tight-end for his new team, couldn't be happier about being a Pirate.
      "They are really nice guys. Everyone has been so great to me," Nathan said.
      Nathan's mother credits his football team with helping him make the best of a bad situation.
      "This helped the transition so much, especially being away from his dad. The kids have been great, really heartwarming," Linda said.
      "This town is so great, I can't even say how wonderful everyone has been."