September 28, 2005

Church service goes to the dogs

The Potter's House United Church of Christ holds pet blessing

Herald staff writer

      Jason Denham considers his dog Carrie his little angel. The black lab/English setter mix helped Denham and his brother through the death of their father a few years ago. Now Denham acknowledges her as part of his family.
      Carrie was one of many beloved pets who, along with their grateful owners, attended a Blessing of Pets held at The Potter's House United Church of Christ, Saturday.
      "This blessing is to acknowledge the role of animals in our lives and their role in God's plan for us," said Reverend Corey Sanderson before sprinkling each pet with holy water and saying a prayer on their behalf.
      Owners also had an opportunity to tell about the unique bond they shared with their unconditional friend.
      "We got Carrie on my dad's suggestion. He knew he was dying and thought that having a dog would help us through the transition of his death. She was a little angel for us," Denham said.
      Andy Buelow, who brought a small box filled with the ashes of his Pomeranian Chessie to be blessed, remembered her as a good friend.
      "I rescued her from death row at the Humane Society, she had more personality than any of the other dogs there. She was a faithful friend through some rough times. She died in 2002 and we still miss her," Buelow said.
      Reverend Sanderson's own Pembroke Welsh Corgie, Willie, reminded him that sometimes he needs to be more patient with the cantankerous pooch.
      "I love him dearly, but sometimes I loose my patience with him. He needs a blessing more than my other two," Sanderson said.
      Abbey Ozanich also felt that some of her sheltie Roxie's antics put her in need of a blessing.
      "Most of the time she is well behaved, but she can be a bit of a devil," said Ozanich who admitted that Roxie has a habit of stealing pork chops off of the table.
      Julie Eckhardt brought her standard poodle Riley "because he is a poodle and people misunderstand poodles."
      Tom Shey had the most unusual blessing request - he acknowledged the squirrels that inhabit his back yard.
      "Our pets are our squirrels that entertain us. They move our tulip bulbs, live off our apricots and plant oak trees all over our yard," Shey said.