October 5, 2005

Pasta dinner benefits Antaya

'Noodles for John' raises funds for third liver transplant

Herald staff writer

      When John Antaya found himself needing a third liver transplant in less than six months, his friends rallied around him and his family.
      His friends continue to support the Antaya's as he faces weeks of recovery and anti-rejection drug therapy at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Fla. following his September 9 surgery.
      "The cost of the medications alone are enormous, not to mention all the past and future medical costs," said family friend Cathy Bradley, who along with a group of the family's closest friends is organizing "Noodles for John," a fund-raising dinner planned for next week.
      After many years of waiting, Antaya, who started the Grand Bay Kite Company in Traverse City, received his first liver transplant in March of this year. However he returned to Mayo Clinic in June when an aneurysm and other complications caused his body to reject the new organ. A second transplant, performed in early August, also failed leaving Antaya to face a third surgery.
      Antaya's wife Aurea, a teacher at Traverse City East Junior High, has stayed with him in Jacksonville while he waited for the transplants and during his recovery periods. Daughters, Michelle Grinsell of Minneapolis and Laine Kyser of Traverse City have also taken leaves to travel to Jacksonville during the critical periods. The family has rented a Jacksonville hotel room for the past several months.
      A spaghetti dinner fund-raiser will be held from 5 to 8 p.m., Wednesday, October 12 at The Presbyterian Church in Traverse City. All proceeds will go towards uncovered medical, living and travel expenses for Antaya and his family. The event will include a silent auction and entertainment by the local "Heart to Harp" group.
      Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at the door or in advance by calling Cathy Bradley at 933-5364 or Jill Blodgett at 933-7345. Donations can be made to the G3 Foundation, Antaya Medical Fund, a 501c3 foundation and mailed to Jill Blodgett, 5164 Heritage Way, Traverse City, MI 49684.