May 25, 2005

Health initiative pushes people to log a million miles

By Carol South
Herald contributing writer

      One million, here we come!
      The Let's Get Moving Northern Michigan program is determined to get people in action and log a million miles in the next 100 days in counties around the region. A dozen participating regions - ranging from Leelanau to Alpena, Iosco to Petoskey - will compete among themselves as well as compile their mileage toward the overall goal. Last year, more than 7,200 people logged just under 960,000 miles total.
      Traverse City launched the local Let's Get Moving initiative Saturday morning at West Junior High, welcoming world class jumproper Rene Bibaud from Seattle as the guest motivator.
      Bibaud dazzled the nearly 100 attendees with her high-speed routine that had her jumprope whirring in an invisible blur. Before starting her performance, she noted that Michigan residents are receptive to her messages of fitness and jumproping, despite (or because of) being the second fattest state in the union.
      "What is really neat is that the state has really embraced me," she said. "I've been here eight or nine times over the past 18 months. I'm really proud to be here and glad there is so much enthusiasm for what I do."
      Bibaud's also demonstrated trick and double Dutch jumproping techniques with the help of some audience members. Then organizers passed out free jumpropes to the assembled, who gathered on the gym floor to master some basic and advanced techniques. Staying low to the ground, with arms close to the body will help with coordination and stamina, Bibaud told the class.
      "I'm teaching you basic skills and tricks that will help you do a longer workout without getting really winded," said Bibaud, a former performer and coach with Cirque du Soliel.
      The next stop of the morning was a fitness circuit set up by Jeff Gauthier, co-owner of Fit For You. Participants completed sit ups, lunges, balancing exercises and push-ups at the stations, learning easy ways to move and improve fitness. After that younger attendees delighted in an obstacle course set up in another gym, navigating tires, romping through tunnels and jumping over hurdles.
      The kick-off event also allowed attendees to sign up for Let's Get Moving although registrations will be taken throughout the 100-day program. As of Tuesday, 300 people had registered and organizers are eager for more.
      Each participant receives a booklet of coupons to turn in weekly to record their mileage. They will log their miles using pedometers and equivalence charts of activities. These charts detail how everything from swimming to dancing to housecleaning stacks up in "aerobic miles."
      Let's Get Moving participants can place their coupons in drop boxes around town each week for the next 100 days. Mileage can also be recorded online at the Let's Get Moving Northern Michigan website. Prizes will be granted in each region each week for the greatest accomplishment.
      "We want you to get more active and have fun doing it," said Diane Butler, coordinator of community health and integrative medicine at Munson Medical Center. "Track activities for 100 days, starting today, and that means everything! We're even giving points for eating good and drinking enough water every day."
      Let's Get Moving Northern Michigan is part of the state's Michigan Steps Up campaign, which encourages citizens to live healthier lives. As in other communities, the local program is a joint initiative between numerous organizations and businesses.
      "This is an incredible partnership that you've put together to make your area healthier," said Dr. Diane Golzynski, a nutritional consultant and Michigan Five-A-Day coordinator with the Michigan Department of Public Health. "If you make healthy lifestyles the easy choice, children and adults alike will make the choices to move more, eat better and not smoke on a daily basis."
      For more information about the Let's Get Moving Northern Michigan program or to register, or for a listing of registration and coupon drop-off locations, see the website select the Communities option and then Grand Traverse Area.