May 18, 2005

Project thanks troops overseas

Career Tech Center teams up with vets to deliver packages

Herald staff writer

      There is nothing like a package from home to brighten the day of soldiers serving overseas. Students from the Career Tech Center and veterans from the local Cherryland VFW Post 2780 teamed up last week to send out 41 parcels filled with much needed items as part of Operation Gift of Thanks.
      Students from the Career Tech Center began collecting items for the care packages in January when Tim Taylor, a retired Army captain and teacher consultant at the center, suggested joining forces with the veterans who started the project more than a year ago.
      "We've had a great response from the Career Tech Center students - throw in the vets and their lovely wives and you can get a lot done," said Taylor, who coordinated the collection effort.
      "We also had a lot of donations from the community. Northern Michigan businesses really stepped up to give their gift of thanks," Taylor said.
      Items such as lip balm, baby powder, non-perishable food items, toothpaste, deodorant, footballs, card games and CD players were packed along with notes of thanks and encouragement.
      "I think it is really important to do things like this, to thank them, because they give so much to us," said student Danielle Horton of South Boardman.
      Operation Gift of Thanks has sent more than 800 packages in all to soldiers serving in the Middle East. The Cherryland Post plans to continue taking donations as long as necessary.
      "We won't be done with this until all the troops come home," said veteran Jack Miller.
      To make donations to Operation Gift of Thanks, call the Cherryland VFW Post 2780 at 946-7317.