May 4, 2005

Herald news ...
100 years ago

By Emma Jane Muir
Special to the Herald

      - John Brown of Pere Marquette fame, won out again in an injunction suit brought by the railroad restraining him from interfering with operations of the road. A new roadbed will have to be built or else give Brown what he asks for in the right of way.
      - Jens Petersen is making a set of plans for the remodeling of Jerry Sullivan's residence at Cedar. Several rooms will be added and a large porch put on the house. A hot air heating system will also be installed.
      - Charles White of this city has entered the Johnson Drug Co. where he will be placed into the position recently vacated by John Boswell and will fit himself for a pharmacist. He is a graduate of the local high school and is both popular and a hustler in his line.
      - John Kilbride, aged 27, committed suicide some time April 29 by swallowing several ounces of laudanum and probably a small amount of morphine. No reasons, other than brooding over his brother who some time ago had the misfortune to become insane. Mr. Kilbride was a man of good habits and had a large number of friends.
      - Mrs. Anna Sleder, who had both feet cut off by an M. & N. E. engine at the starch factory last week, Wednesday, is resting easier. She had rallied well from the shock and although she has been ill and nervous, it is believed she will recover. When taken to the hospital, she was conscious and suffering greatly. Opiates were administered before the operation to remove both feet.
      - The pretty little cottage at Walton, owned and occupied for many years during the summer months by Hon. D. C. Leach of Springfield, Missouri, and now the property of J. W. Hubbel, was burned last week probably from sparks of a passing train. The family who had been occupying it during the winter had moved out only a few hours before it caught fire.
      - The parochial residence of St. Francis church was entered Saturday by a burglar who made a hasty retreat after arousing the occupants of the sleeping rooms. Entry was gained by way of a rear window and breaking the catch, then raising the sash. He evidently was attempting to reach the safe.
      - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sutton of Lake Avenue are very much worried over the disappearance of their 12-year-old son, Perry. The boy has been missing for more than a week and his mother believes that he has been drowned while his father thinks he may have gone off with a gang of hoboes. The boy has played truant from school several times.
      - Owing to the drought, there seems to be numerous forest fires along the shores of the bay. Among the locations is one being in the swamp south of Suttons Bay and another one in the region of Torch Lake. Several large tracts are giving up dense smoke along the east shore.
      - Mrs. J. G. Ramsdell has just made a fine present to the Carnegie library of 200 volumes of books from the valuable collection of the late Judge J. G. Ramsdell. The gift includes volumes of the Naturalist's library and a number of bound volumes of Popular Science, Forum and many reference books.
      - James Baker, who had a rib broken by being crushed to the wall by one of the fire department horses, suffered greatly Tuesday night and his condition today does not show much change for the better. It is believed that he is injured internally.
      - The searchers after trailing arbutus in the Mayfield area are not as plentifully rewarded as usual. The dry weather is causing many of the buds to wither before opening.
      - Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Scott of this city were the guests of friends at Fife Lake a few days last week. While there, Dr. Scott traded his team to Mr. Brower for an automobile.
      - Advice on deportment. A dinner for a few friends can consist of soup, fish, roast, two vegetables and lastly, salad, cheese and a dessert of pie and pudding.
      - Medical advice of a century ago. To strengthen your eyesight chew a very small piece of ginger after each meal.
      - Best buy of the week. Ladies' Spring Jackets, $5 at Steinberg Bros.