March 9, 2005

Herald news ... 100 years ago

By Emma Jane Muir
Special to the Herald

      - "Uncle" Dan Whipple was 105 years old last Wednesday and despite his age, is hale and hearty and walks around to visit various places during the day. Although he is the oldest man in northern Michigan, he passed the day very quietly with no celebration whatsoever. He doesn't care for display, but likes to be among friends. The next day he went out to take dinner, but informed very few where he was going.
      - The reorganization of the Grange at Williamsburg has been successful and forty-two charter members have been enrolled. There was good attendance and much enthusiasm was manifested. Officers elected were: Master: Robert Bartlett, Secretary: George L. Crisp, Lecturer: Mrs. George L. Crisp and Fire Insurance Director: H. L. Hobbs.
      - Mrs. Mary Donahue of Barker Creek, aged 58, passed away last week of pulmonary tuberculosis at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Margaret Robinson, 242 East Tenth Street. Funeral services were held at Barker Creek where the remains had been shipped, Fr. Faucheau of Elk Rapids officiating.
      - Sam Vint, through his attorneys, Pratt & Davis and Parm C. Gilbert, has begun action in circuit court for the annulment of a contract given by him to Mrs. Dora Roberts. At issue is the conveying of $500 gilt-edged securities and the little house and two lots to be compensation for his care and maintenance for the remaining portion of his life. A reliable history of the old hermit, who lives in squalor in the hut and has been a public curiosity for many years, is difficult to ascertain.
      - A very pleasant reception was given last Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Olson in honor of their son, Arthur, who has just returned from the Philippines, after serving three years in Troup B. Twelfth Cavalry. A number of friends were present for the celebration and enjoyed a sumptuous supper of mashed potatoes, baked beans, baked apples, cabbage, salad, mustard pickles, cold boiled ham, chili sauce, pickles bread and butter, cheese, assorted cakes and coffee.
      - Is Traverse City in the hands of a plumbers' trust? Is 85 cents an hour too high a price for a plumber's time? Why does it cost the city only an average of $1.40 each for thawing out taps while a plumber would blush if he had to present such a bill? These quotations are called forth by the presentation of a set of rules in the city council Monday evening to govern the conduct of the city water works.
      - Mrs. DeLong, who lives at the home of J. B. Barney, while bringing in water Sunday afternoon, slipped and fell breaking her right arm at the wrist. Dr. O. E. Chase was called and reduced the fracture.
      - The teacher and pupils of the Neason School gave a farewell reception in honor of Miss Violet Akers, who is soon to leave for Northport. A bounty of refreshments were served and before leaving, the guest of honor was presented with a beautiful book of poems as a token of esteem in which she is held by both pupils and teachers.
      - The town of Mayfield has been enjoying one of the state circulating libraries this winter. Many residents at that place believe that the plan of furnishing a community with good reading matter at a nominal cost, should be more widely known and patronized than it is.
      - Joseph Abbott, an old pioneer of the Kingsley area, died Monday of pneumonia at the age of 75 years. He leaves one son, George, and three grandchildren to mourn the loss. Interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery.
      - Finley Hammond lays title to the honor of having hauled the largest load of logs ever brought into the city, to Beitner's mill. The load consisted of 4,660 feet of hardwood lumber drawn by a single team, 2,600 weight. Mr. Hammond received a check for $74.56.
      - Advice on deportment. Rattling programs and moving uneasily in the seat during a theater performance, annoys others.
      - Medical advice of a century ago. To treat scurvy, pound into a pulp of Seville oranges, slice, rind and all, and powdered sugar, equal quantities. Take a teaspoonful three or four times a day.
      - Best buy of the week. Springs Suits, Sherman & Hunter - The New Store, $7.50 - $15.00