March 2, 2005

Club honors outstanding youth

Boys and Girls Club Grand Traverse recognize members, volunteers and staff

Herald staff writer

      Leadership, loyalty and outstanding character - members of the Boys and Girls Club Grand Traverse recognized as Youth of the Year possess all of these attributes and more.
      Last week club members, volunteers, staff and community members gathered to honor not only the Youth of the Year winners but scholarship recipients as well as volunteer and staff standouts at "A Cause for Applause."
      Troy Corwin of Suttons Bay, Steven Tondreau of Traverse City and Britney Steed of Kingsley were named Youth of the Year after being nominated by staff members. Steed was also named District Youth of the Year and will go on to represent the Grand Traverse Region at the State Youth of the Year competition later this month.
      "The Boys and Girls Club means so many things to me, but most of all, the Club has taught me to look at the world in a positive way," said Steed in an essay read by unit director Christal Wilcox.
      Several young members were recognized for their achievements with a youth scholarship. Jacob Anderson of Suttons Bay earned a scholarship to pursue his interest in basketball. Keri Beaudrie of Traverse City will use her scholarship to take dance lessons. Kalee Nottage of Kingsley earned her scholarship for outstanding leadership. Honorable mentions were also given to Anthony Barrientoz of the Suttons Bay Club and Jacob Watts of Kingsley.
      Trey Brown of the Traverse City club earned the Goodwin Living Memorial Scholarship, honoring the contributions of Goodwin, who volunteered regularly at the club before moving to the Upper Peninsula.
      Earning recognition for his outstanding volunteer support, Matt Moritz voiced the enthusiasm he has for working with club members.
      "All the kids are special to my heart," Moritz said.
      Heather Somero was named Staff Member of the Year for her noteworthy dedication.
      "She came in to do payroll just two days after she had a baby," said executive director Meredith Wells Kerr.
      Kerr also named Niki Kleinrichert as Celebrity of the Year for her volunteer service.
      "I am continually in awe of the amount of time and enthusiasm that the volunteers give us. We couldn't manage without them," Kerr noted.