February 23, 2005

Travellers find home

Dance society raises funds for new floor at Gilbert Lodge

By Carol South
Herald contributing writer

      Calling all dancers!
      Saturday night, the appeal sent out by members of the Bayside Travellers Country Dance Society received an overwhelming response as more than 160 dancers raised $4,000 toward a new dance floor. The society is installing a new suspended white oak floor in the Gilbert Lodge at Twin Lakes Park, which also happens to be their brand new home.
      After more then two decades of traveling from town hall to barn to wherever they could rent, the Dream Dance event brought them that much closer to settling.
      Having a permanent home gives them greater recognition in the community. For more than 20 years, the society had been moving around to various locations in Traverse City, Empire, Maple City and Lake Ann. Many times the location changed from month to month.
      By April, when their floor is complete, people will know where to go the second Saturday night of each month for an evening of squares, contras, rounds, waltzes, swing and mixers.
      "Instead of having to remember, 'Where is it this month,' and have to find the location, either through a public service announcement or something in the newspaper or on the website," said Pat Hoekje, a board member of the group and a long-time caller.
      Hoekje also added that this floor, whose installation began on Sunday with volunteers delivering plywood for the sub-floor, would be professional quality.
      "Plus the fact that we're going to have a dance floor that will be very good for the body," she noted. "We had tried dancing out there last year and it was working but some people said 'my joints don't feel good after dancing there all night.'"
      The group first danced at Gilbert Lodge last year and immediately felt a connection with the rustic lodge nestled in a park along North Long Lake Road.
      "We started the dance season last year and, oh, my gosh, we just loved the place," recalled Mary Van Valin, president of the group.
      However, there was one sour note: the dancers stripped all the wax off the floor by the end of the evening. The county, which owns the facility, had another group coming in the next day and could not get the floor looking good in time. They said they could no longer rent to the non-profit educational group.
      "We looked at the problem and to see if we could solve it," Van Valin said. "In more than 20 years, we had never had a permanent home."
      The group researched floors and prices and presented a proposal to the county: we'll put in a new, permanent floor and you give us an affordable rental rate for ten years. The win-win scenario met with approval and the society began fundraising for the $35,000 total cost.
      Saturday night's dance included a silent auction and Van Valin said members and guests threw themselves in to the fundraising spirit. In addition, the callers and the band, the Waltz Pistols, donated their time.
      "We were so thrilled by the total, it was unusual because so many times at these actions when you have a gift certificate for $50, you usually get $25 or $30," she noted. "But people were bidding $65 and you knew they were into the spirit of donation rather than the bargain."
      Having a permanent home opens up other possibilities for the group: dance camps, teen events and other gatherings to be determined.
      "I think the whole process has just pointed to the wonderful sense of community we have here," Van Valin added. "Traverse City has grown so much but this project has just made it clear to me that there is just so much support in the area for groups that benefit everyone."
      The Bayside Travellers holds monthly dances the second Saturday of the month, which, beginning in April, will be at Gilbert Lodge. On March 12, the dance will be held at the Almira Township Hall in Lake Ann. Instruction is at 7 p.m. with dancing beginning at 8, new members welcome and refreshments are provided. For more information, call 228-6149 or visit the website www.dancetc.com.