August 24, 2005

Nature lovers enjoy program

Nature North features presentations from 20 conservation groups

Herald staff writer

      Nature enthusiasts had a lot to get excited about during Nature North, an event sponsored by the Northern Michigan Conservation and Wildlife Alliance held Saturday at the Grand Traverse Civic Center.
      The family friendly event featured presentations from members of the coalition of more than 20 conservation organizations including local bird expert Kay Charter who spoke on creating a paradise for birds in your own yard. Other presenters included Rebecca Lessard from Wings of Wonder who showed off her birds of prey, Dave Leonhard who demonstrated fly fishing techniques and Bobbie Poor of Saving Birds Thru Habitat who shared her knowledge of the hummingbird.
      "We came to hear about the hummingbirds. We have four or five hummingbird feeders in our yard and we wanted to know more about them. It was worth the trip," said Jim Adams of Alden, who along with his wife Fran, also took advantage of the free kayak lessons offered in the civic center pool.
      "We have never been kayaking before. It was great, I think we might have to end up getting one," Fran Adams said.
      Brandon Budnick of Sterling Heights had a first he won't soon forget either. The nine-year-old caught his first fish at the trout pond sponsored by Trout Unlimited.
      "I've gone fishing before, but this is the first fish I caught - ever!" said Budnick as he watched Ed Cieslinski of the Pine River Area Michigan Council of Trout Unlimited demonstrate the art of fly tying.
      "I think I would like to try it sometime. They look really cool," Budnick said.
      Four-year-old Paxton O'Bryen of Traverse City found something to interest her - under the lens of a microscope. In a display sponsored by the Inland Seas Education Association, O'Bryen was able to see tiny aquatic creatures native to the Great Lakes.
      "There was a lot of good information here today, and it's keeping Paxton entertained," said her father, Don O'Bryen.