August 10, 2005

Herald news ...
100 years ago

By Emma Jane Muir
Special to the Herald

      - The activity of the cherry market is gradually decreasing. Every day the number of cases shipped grows smaller and by the end of this week, the season will practically be at an end. The output from the area has been estimated at 40,000 cases. The crop and prices have been above the average and the farmers have no reason to complain. The Murillo, the late sour cherry, is occupying the market at present.
      - James McCully, for 23 years a resident of the Kingsley area, died last Saturday at Clare where he took on his residence a few months ago. Mr. McCully had held the offices of deputy sheriff and constable in Grand Traverse county and owned the first store and hotel in Kingsley. The pall bearers were chosen from the Odd Fellows, of which order he was a member. Mr. McCully had passed every chair in the lodge during his membership.
      - E. W. Hastings and family are now located in their new cottage at Carp Lake. The cottage is built of logs and is substantial enough to last forever. In place of the big fireplace is a stove in the summer kitchen located on the back porch. A handy storm cover provides walls for the porch . The windows are composed of small squares in English style and are on hinges.
      - The formal dedication of the new Congregational church will occur on August 20 when Rev. W. G. Puddefoot, secretary of the American Board of Home Missions, will deliver the dedicatory sermon. Eighteen years ago Mr. Puddefoot was the beloved pastor of the church here and his presence for the dedication is awaited with pleasure.
      - Little Duke, Germaine Brothers horse who has been making records at Petoskey, was the victim of a pleasant surprise Thursday. The handsome little horse has taken the eyes of the ladies of that town and they have been showering their attentions on him. A bouquet of flowers was sent to his stall Thursday after he won second place.
      - Dr. A. J. McPhail, well known here, but for several years practicing dentistry in Northport, has decided to move to Traverse City and has taken offices in the Wilhelm Block. He will be moved in and available for appointments after August 15.
      - The annual laying of the city mains began last week, and two miles of six-inch pipes will be laid. The cost will not be over $6,500. Work is still being pushed at the cemetery for private service in the lots, all pipes being laid six feet deep and even then, some trouble is had during winters from the deep frost.
      - Clara Miner, after spending a week with her parents at Old Mission, has returned to her duties in Mr. Moffatt's office in the city. While visiting at Old Mission, Miss Miner enjoyed many social activities as well as swimming in the bay and going on carriage rides through the countryside.
      - Lloyd East has gone back home, taking his little daughter, Vivian, with him. She has been with her grandpa for a year following the untimely death of her mother.
      - A number of Mabel residents came to the city last week to attend the big circus show. Among them were C. Bolsmier, Walter Watson and family and Mrs. Fielding Watson. They have all praised the performances and have expressed a desire to attend next year, if another one is scheduled.
      - The printing of the story of the King George medal in a recent issue of this paper calls out the fact that there is a similar medal in existence in the region, the property of William Rushmore of Old Mission. The medal was plowed up in his field on the bay shore several years ago and is exactly like the one owned by E. S. Noble of Elk Rapids. It has a small ring at the top by which it was formerly suspended from the neck of the Indian brave who assisted in the massacre of the River Raisin.
      - Advice on deportment. In cities and towns where death notices are inserted in the papers, the words "Friends invited," is sufficient invitation to a funeral.
      - Medical advice of a century ago. For chapped lips, dissolve some beeswax in a little sweet oil. Apply to the lips several times a day.
      - Best buy of the week. New Belts, Perfect Beauties, Exceptional Value, 15 cents to 75 cents at Steinberg Bros.