November 24, 2004

Herald news ... 100 years ago

By Emma Jane Muir
Special to the Herald

      - Julius T. Hannah of this city and his sister, Mrs. J. F. Keeney of Chicago, have purchased 203 acres of land within the city limits of Chicago Heights which will more than triple the investment of $75,000 within a short time. The property is finely located and contains about 2,000 building lots which will be sold. Already one party is negotiating for fifty of the lots.
      - Louis Fleming was fined $25 and cost, amounting to $6.25, or sixty days in jail to stand committed until the fine and costs are paid. He took Charles Paige's wheel, pleaded guilty, then said he didn't take it, so the court tried the case, he having waived his jury right.
      - Twenty-nine Indians with their families and pet dogs passed through town today from Leelanau county enroute to Stafford. The Elk Rapids Iron Company will give them a winter's work of wood cutting.
      - Although the receipts of the city post office stand at the bottom of the list made public Friday, it is very gratifying that Traverse City is included in the list as it reads that it is composed of only the principal cities. It is significant that Manistee and some others do not appear at all. Receipts of the local office were $23,775.
      - Daniel London and A. J. Doyle have returned from a pleasant trip along the Pacific coast. They visited Portland, Tacoma, Klamath Falls and spent some time at San Francisco, Salt Lake City, Colorado Springs and Pueblo. At Klamath Falls, they met a regular little colony of Traverse City people; George Thirlby, Charles Corett and Albert Lautner.
      - A new clothing firm composed of well-known young men of the city has been formed and will begin to do business shortly. The firm consists of Thomas H. Sherman, former bookkeeper and office manager of the Hamilton Clothing Company, and C. F. Hunter, clothing salesman in the same store.
      - Advice on deportment. No one should suppose that elaborate dinners releases him or her from the obligations of hospitality.
      - Medical advice of a century ago. Dandelions are good for the kidneys.
      - Best buy of the week. Large, solid, oak high back cobbler seat arm chair, $1.95 at J. W. Slater.