November 17, 2004

Time for the magical, mystical Madrigal Feaste

TC West offers celebration for all the senses

By Carol South
Herald contributing writer

      Break out the boar's head, it's time for Traverse City West High School's annual Elizabethan Madrigal Feaste.
      For the eighth year, the school's vocal department is hosting a sensory banquet featuring gourmet food coupled with an evening of musical entertainment by choral students.
      The school's commons area will be transformed into a medieval castle's dining hall, adorned with banners and bunting. Music of the Royale Herald Trumpeters and antique instruments played by the group Heartsease will reverberate through the halls.
      Every year, the 75-member Chorale is the foundation of the evening, providing both song and service from the first cup of cider to dessert. Smaller ensembles, such as Bella Voce and the Westmen, will also sing throughout this year's event. Bella Voce will again perform a Renaissance Folk Dance.
      The school's most advanced ensemble, the 18-member Choral-Aires, will be the lords and ladies-in-waiting of the Royal Court. They have most of the action and will work through the evening's script, which is largely written every year by Russ Larimer, choral director for the school.
      The Choral-Aires will also perform a number of new pieces as well as classics from their madrigal repertoire. The demanding literature means the students will again exceed the high standards set year after year by Larimer.
      "It's phenomenal, some of the musical pieces are just so_ to be at this age doing them is just so incredible," said Nick Pilarski, a senior who is reprising his role as jester and show emcee. "Most college choirs don't even attempt it, it's an honor to do them."
      Reaching for the stars, this year Larimer invited Governor Jennifer Granholm to be the guest of honor. He said the school may not know until 24 hours before the show if the invitation is accepted, but he is hopeful.
      Previous guests of honor have been State Senators Jason Allen, Michelle McManus and George McManus, Representative Dave Camp and State Representative Howard Walker as well as various Traverse City Area Public School officials.
      The event is not a fundraiser per se, Larimer noted, but he does hope to add some to the Chorale's European travel budget. This fund helps finance the trip the Chorale takes every three years to perform in Europe and at the renowned Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod in Wales.
      "It's more of a musical event dinner theater situation than a fundraiser," he said. "Most of the money goes back into the production with more than half to the food."
      Harpist Marielle Smith will perform throughout the Madrigal Feaste, including a classic duet with the choir entitled Ceremony of Carols by Benjamin Britten. Smith said that Larimer discovered her presence two years ago and has incorporated her talents into other productions.
      "My sophomore year he figured out I was at the school and I've been working with him ever since," said Smith, who declined to study at Interlochen Arts Academy to attend West.
      The Choral-Aires students and the rest of the Chorale jumped into rehearsal for the Madrigal Feaste earlier this month. They wound up their busy fall season of singing at the end of October, giving them just under six weeks to get ready for the event.
      "We're very prepared," noted Pilarski, adding that the annual dinner fosters a sense of community among the participants and audience.
      "We draw an audience from all over and people really look forward to it every year," he said. "It just feels really homey."
      The Eighth Annual Elizabethan Madrigal Feaste will be held at 6:30 p.m. on December 4, 5, 11 and 12. All tickets are $25; call the West High School box office at 933-7509 for more information or to make reservations.