May 12, 2004

Central High students jazzed about concert

Rendezvous at the Jazz Club opens this Thursday

By Carol South
Herald contributing writer

      A taste of big city cool is coming to Central High School this weekend.
      The seventh annual Rendezvous at the Jazz Club features 34 acts over the three nights, ranging from solos to group numbers. For the choral students who create the acts and put on the program every year, the Jazz Club is a break from their usual routine.
      "It's really jazzy, it's a lot more fun to sing," said Blake O'Brien, who will perform an acoustic number and a rap piece. "I've been in it every year for the past three years and it is a little different every time, different acts and different talents."
      A back-up band featuring guitar, bass, drum, keyboards and a five-piece brass section provides a nightclub feel to the evening. This year, a string quartet will join the musicians for some numbers.
      "There are some fantastic musicians providing the back up music," said Jeff Cobb, choral director for the school.
      Cobb plays keyboard and piano while directing the band throughout the evening. He relishes this evening every year.
      "It's these kids' opportunity to shine in the sun," he said. "I think it's a blast because there's so much different stuff and so much is new to me."
      "I think these kids even surprise their parents and we've just gotten bigger and better every year," Cobb noted.
      More than 70 different acts auditioned three weeks ago for the club, which Cobb winnowed down to the current line up. Larger acts will be performed by Bel Cantos, Men of Note, Choral-Aires, Vocal Majority, the Concert Choir and the Chorale. All will be performing jazzy numbers quite unlike their usual repertoire.
      Cobb noted that each evening has different numbers, with Saturday night reserved for encores by seniors in the program. He credited the students for the initiative and creativity they show every year.
      "Most of it is their work, they put their acts together on their own time," Cobb said. "It's so neat when we have auditions because some of the kids just come out of the woodwork, they always surprise me."
      Cora Pellerito, a sophomore at Central, will be performing in her first Rendezvous. Being on this stage, though, is something she has aspired to do for years.
      "I've attended them before and I've always wanted to be in the show," said Pellerito, who will sing a solo by Celine Dion. "It's a lot different singing with the band, I'm not used to that."
      Brady Corcoran is both a member of the back up band and will perform a solo vocal and acoustic guitar number. A senior, Corcoran is heading to Michigan State University next fall to study jazz piano so the Rendezvous is right up his alley.
      "This is what I like to do when I'm not working," he said, regarding all the extra hours spent preparing for the Rendezvous. "I do like the choral music but this is more of a crowd-pleasing show."
      The Rendezvous at the Jazz Club will be held in the Central High School auditorium. The show will run on Thursday, May 13, Friday, May 14, and Saturday, May 15. Doors open at 7 p.m. and the show starts at 7:30. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students and are available from Central High School Choral students or at the high school box office, phone 933-3573.