December 1, 2004

Speaking the language

Central High School French teacher part of Fulbright exchange program

Herald staff writer

      Foreign language students at Traverse City Central High School have been given a rare opportunity this school year - learning from a visitor to our country.
      Betty Mouth, of Chartres, France, is spending the school year at Central High School as part of a Fulbright teacher exchange. Mouth switched jobs with Michael Durbin, a French teacher from Central, while he teaches English to French students in her home town.
      Along with the obvious advantages of a French language teacher who actually uses French as her primary language, having Mouth on staff at Central has been beneficial to all of the foreign language students.
      "I like the challenges of learning to teach in another system. It is difficult to know what will be difficult for students and why some things might be easier," said Mouth who organized a celebration of foreign language last week.
      Students in Mouth's French classes, as well as Spanish and German students, gathered together to sing songs and perform dialogues in their studied language.
      "I think it is important for the students to be exposed to all of the languages, not just the one they are studying," Mouth said.
      While Mouth is enjoying teaching at Central, she is also learning from the experience.
      "I was a bit worried because I didn't know what to expect. But now every day I wonder what will be in store and what will I learn. In my own country you know what to expect, but here everything is unpredictable for me," Mouth said.
      "Every day I find new thought provoking and interesting things. I feel very fortunate to have been able to come to a beautiful place like Traverse City where everyone has been so welcoming."