October 29, 2003

Terrific horrific music

Herald photos by Garret Leiva
Cello players Elizabeth Suminski, dressed as a court jester, and Lynne Tobin, sporting a cat costume, prepare for the opening number “Night on Bald Mountain” at the TSO Halloween Masquerade Pops. The costumes and stage props were donated by Hocus Pocus of Traverse City.

Traverse Symphony Orchestra performs Halloween Masquerade Pops

Joan Holland tunes her harp before taking the stage with her fellow Traverse Symphony Orchestra players at the Halloween Masquerade Pops held Saturday in Lars Hockstad auditorium.

Jerry Suminski of Traverse City, dressed as a caveman, sits in the front row with his children, Sophie, 3, playing a princess and Nick, 6, as Harry Potter. The trio was on hand to watch mom, Elizabeth perform in the TSO Halloween Pops.

TSO Music Director, Kevin Rhodes gives the audience plenty of music to sink their teeth into as he conducts the costumed orchestra. The Halloween Pops included selections from Alfred Hitchcock movies “North by Northwest,” “Vertigo,” and “Psycho.” The evening also featured “Dance macabre, op. 40,” “The Bride of Frankenstein,” and “King Kong Overture.”

Rhapsodica, portrayed by Jane Rhodes, serves up one-liners as the Mistress of the Halloween Pops. The Rhodes introduced each piece performed by the orchestra including music from Alfred Hitchcock movies, selections from “The Phantom of the Opera,” and even Star Trek and Star Wars.

Above: Violinist Carolyn McConaha hangs a “Decomposing Do Not Disturb” sign as part of the tricks and musical treats provided by the Traverse Symphony Orchestra. Other Halloween Masquerade Pops highlights included music director, Kevin Rhodes being carried on stage inside a coffin and an audience costume contest.