October 22, 2003

McGreevy story behind CHS book club

Central High School library media specialist launches book club for students

Herald staff writer

      Reading for pleasure isn't something that high school students often take time to do. Ronda McGreevy, library media specialist at Traverse City Central High School, is hoping to change that.
      In conjunction with Teen Read Week- October 19-25 - McGreevy has launched Book Club Central for teen readers. The library will offer multiple copies of 15 different books, allowing several students to read the book at the same time.
      "I read over 50 books this summer to glean out the best from those on lists of books chosen for teens by teens. I chose 15 books that 'celebrate the underdog,'" McGreevy said. "I tried to pick different kinds of books for the different kinds of readers. I wanted to have something that would appeal to every student."
      "Seabiscuit" by Laura Hillenbrand, "Life of Pi" by Yann Martel, "Stargirl" by Jerry Spinelli and "Soldier Boys" by Dean Hughes are among the titles on the book club list.
      Lunch time book discussions are planned so students can talk to each other and compare thoughts on a chosen book.
      "It's interesting to talk to others about what you have read because they always see things that you haven't," said senior, Anna Kindt.
      Students will also video tape book reviews to share their opinions and recommendations.
      "I'm not really a big reader, but if I know that someone else liked a book I might read it myself," said senior Michael Knopf.
      That's exactly the type of response McGreevy is hoping students will have about the book club.
      "The more you read, the better you read. This is a vital part of the program," said McGreevy who is already looking forward to picking books for next year's "heroes" theme.
      "It's nice to be able to read something funny for a change," noted senior Laura Piskor.
      This program is funded by donations to the Central High School library/media center. For more information, call Ronda McGreevy at 933-3640.